Chapter 1154 No oil

Chapter 1169

Nian Wen hurriedly helped her up: "Don't cry, with me here, your mother will be fine, don't worry."

The girl hurriedly wiped away her tears and smiled: "Really? Can big brother really cure my mother?"

Read the text and nodded: "Of course it is true. Although your mother's illness is serious, she is just physically weak. It is not a terminal illness that cannot be cured. As long as you take the right medicine and take good care of yourself, you will recover sooner or later. .”

The girl was very happy: "Big brother, if big brother cures mother's illness, little Fengling will be a servant for big brother for the rest of her life."

Nian Wen smiled and waved his hands: "No need, no need, I already have a maid, I don't need another one, I can't afford it, your name is Xiao Feng Ling?"

Little Fengling nodded: "My mother said that my father is very good at making wind chimes. He made many beautiful and pleasant wind chimes for my mother, so my mother named me Xiaofengling."

It seems that her mother and her father have a good relationship, but it's a pity, it's a pity——

She asked the little wind chime to bring hot water, took out a bottle of Yangyuan Pill from the medicine box, melted the two Yangyuan Pills in hot water, poured them into the woman's mouth little by little, and then performed acupuncture for her. Pulse, this busy work, an hour blink of an eye.

She saw Xiao Fengling looking at the oil lamp from time to time, her eyes were a little anxious, so she asked, "What do you always look at the oil lamp for?"

Xiao Fengling was a little embarrassed, but still said truthfully: "There is no oil in the house, only this is left, and it is about to burn out. I am afraid that the lamp will go out."

Nianwen frowned, it was already dark outside, the moon is dark and the wind is high today, there is no light in the room, and the patient is still guarding, how do you live?
In her medicine box, there is nothing but needles and medicine, and she may not be able to buy it now, and the shops that sell grain and oil are not open at night.

At this time, a young man came in and said to Nianwen: "Young master Chu, this is what my young master asked me to hand over to you."

Nianwen was slightly stunned, seeing that what the young man was holding was an oil jar, which was full of lamp oil, and an oil paper bag was held in the other hand, and there was a faint smell of food coming out.

She asked, "Who is your son?"

The boy shook his head: "My son said that he will see you in a few days, so you will know."

Nian Wen glanced at the oil lamp that was about to go out, and thought to himself, could it be someone sent by his parents?He has been following her in secret, seeing what she needs, and delivering it in time?is that so?
Oh, don't care, whoever he is, I'll find out in a few days.

She took the lamp oil and food, and said to the young man, "Thank you, Young Master, for me."

After the boy left, she gave the lamp oil to Xiao Fengling and asked her to continue.

Little Fengling was very happy, the lamp oil was enough for their family for a long time, and she no longer had to be afraid of waking up at night.

Opening the oiled paper bag containing the food, which contained six white flour steamed buns and two side dishes, one meat and one vegetarian, she couldn't help but smile, the person who delivered the food was really an interesting person.

When ordinary people give things, they must be sending chicken or meat. Who would give white noodles, steamed buns and side dishes?However, this is also appropriate, these things are just suitable for the little wind chimes.

She left all the food, and ordered Xiao Fengling to feed her mother two Yangyuan pills in the morning, and she would bring other medicines for conditioning the body tomorrow.

Although Xiao Fengling is young, she is very smart and diligent, and she remembers everything that she told her in the text clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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