Chapter 1155
Chapter 1170

When Nianwen left Sandan Street, it was already three o'clock in the morning, the moon was hidden in the thick clouds, and the earth was dark. She was walking on the quiet street with a medicine box, relying on the limited dim light to see things, and walked step by step. It's very slow, there's nothing left and right, there's no difference between going back early and going back later, why bother to hurry.

As soon as she walked a distance, she felt that someone was following her. When she walked, the person following behind also walked, and when she stopped, that person also stopped. She followed her from a distance, with no intention of coming forward or leaving. mean.

It seems that her parents sent her guards.

Father and mother are also true, with her skill, who is her opponent in the guards of the palace?If some master really appeared, if she couldn't win, could the guards win?
After returning to Rongyu Hall, the figure following her from afar disappeared quietly, and she didn't care, it's just like that.

After a simple dinner, she worked another hour dispensing the medicine, and ordered the staff in the hall to pack all the medicines.

Before sleeping for three hours, it was dawn again, and when she heard the rooster crowing, she opened her eyes, and after a quick wash, she took a fellow from the hall and went to Sandan Street together.

She was still seeing patients at the intersection of the street, and the clerk was sent by her to Xiaofengling's house to make medicine. At noon, all the patients were diagnosed and treated, and all the medicines they brought were distributed.

Seeing that no one was seeing a doctor, she got up, stretched herself, and went to Xiao Fengling's house with the medicine box.

That guy is also hardworking, not only helped Xiaofengling fry the medicine, but also made them a lunch, although it was only two vegetables, but Xiaofengling ate very delicious, although she usually cooks by herself, she can’t cook well That's great. The green vegetables are boiled and eaten immediately. They have no taste. It has been a long time since I have eaten them so deliciously.

After reading the text to see Feng Lingniang, she used a silver needle to prick her acupoint, three times in a row, and Fenglingniang woke up.

Seeing her mother woke up, Xiao Fengling didn't even eat her food, she threw herself into her mother's arms and wept bitterly. Before the big brother came yesterday, she thought that her mother would never wake up again. She thought that her mother would be with her Like a tiger mother, she left her child to go to heaven alone.

Lianniang patted Xiao Fengling's back with red eyes, "Silly boy, why would mother leave you alone, how can mother be willing?"

She turned to look at the handsome and outrageous young man standing in front of the bed, and asked, "Who are you?"

A Bu hurriedly said: "Sister-in-law, this is our doctor from Rongyu Hall, Mr. Chu."

Little Fengling raised her head and said to Niangqin: "Mother, I begged Mr. Chu to treat you. Mr. Chu is very good. He said he will definitely cure your illness, Mrs. Chu."

Lianniang lived in Jincheng for a year, so how could she not know the name of Rongyu Hall, she had heard about it earlier, the consultation fee of Rongyu Hall is notoriously expensive, ranging from a hundred taels to a thousand taels, Medicines are not included.

She was a little panicked: "Chu, Mr. Chu, thank you for your willingness to treat me, but we, people like us, really can't afford so much consultation fee."

Nian Wen smiled and said: "Sister-in-law, don't worry. I came to Sandan Street for a free clinic. I don't charge money. The medicine and medicine are free. You don't have to worry about it. All the people in Sandan Street are free of charge. See a doctor."

There is such a good thing?Lianniang was overjoyed, she hurriedly struggled to get out of bed, and wanted to kowtow to Mr. Chu to thank him, their family was barren, and all they could give was this bit of dignity.

(End of this chapter)

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