Chapter 1156
Chapter 1171

Nian Wen put his hand on her shoulder and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, there is no need to be polite. I am a doctor. It is my duty to cure diseases and save people. Doing good is also to accumulate virtue for myself. Don't pay too much attention to it. Whatever I do, it is my duty." For myself."

Lianniang knew that he was comforting her, she was very grateful, she stopped struggling to get off the ground, and lay down peacefully.

Read the text and said: "I prescribed three days of medicine for you, you take it first, Abu will come to make medicine for you every day in the past few days, your disease is the root cause of your childbirth, and the medicine you are taking now is all lukewarm. To cure the root of your disease, you need a very special medicine. There is no medicine hall in the city. I will go to the mountains tomorrow to find it for you. If I can find it, it will be your good fortune. The day you recover Just around the corner."

Little Fengling hurriedly asked, "What if I can't find it?"

Nian Wen smiled lightly: "If I can't find it, I will replace it with other similar medicines. Although the effect of the medicine is not as good, as long as I take it for a longer time, it will be better. Of course, it is a good idea to find this medicine. most."

Lianniang and Xiaofengling thanked her again and again. The two of them begged all the way to Jincheng. It was King Jin who gave them a place to live. Now Mr. Chu is treating her so wholeheartedly without charging any fees. Their kindness, even if the two of them worked as cows and horses, they would never be able to repay them.

However, it seems that people don't need their repayment at all, so she doesn't want to talk about it all the time. Instead, she seems hypocritical and only keeps this kindness in her heart.

The next morning, Wan Kun got up an hour earlier, quickly settled the affairs of Wanwutang, stepped out, and went straight to Renhe Street. From a distance, he saw a man cleaning the entrance of Rongyu Hall. Standing in a corner, biting the pastry in his hand one bite at a time, his eyes are always fixed on the gate of Rongyu Hall. Although he doesn't read the text all the time these days, as long as he is free, he will definitely Come here, look at her from a distance, and follow her quietly if she goes out.

I thought she would go to Sandan Street to see Lianniang again today, but who knows, after waiting all this time, she couldn't wait for her to show up. Could it be that he was late?
He simply walked to the entrance of Rongyu Hall, and asked the cleaner, "Is Doctor Chu there?"

The guy hurriedly replied: "Today is really a coincidence, Dr. Chu went out of the city to collect medicine, and he has been away for a while."

Wan Kun was taken aback, and quickly asked, "Is she alone?"

The guy nodded: "Yes, he is alone."

Without saying a word, Wan Kun turned around and left, rushing out of the city.

This girl is really courageous, she dared to go into the deep forest to collect medicine by herself. Although she knew a lot of medicine, she had never been to the mountains to collect medicine. But he has no experience in dealing with these poisonous snakes and beasts in the mountains and forests. If something happens, it will be better.

He was anxious, and when he saw someone riding a horse on the street, he snatched the man's horse and threw a hundred tael silver note to the man: "Brother, borrow the horse."

The closest mountain to Jincheng is Mount Qiliang. An army is stationed under Mount Liang, and the King of Jin is in charge of it himself.

Because a large number of soldiers were stationed at the foot of Qiliang Mountain, the surrounding mountain people seldom went up the mountain to collect herbs and firewood. After all, ordinary people were still very afraid of the army.

After Nianwen inquired about the conditions of several nearby mountains, he immediately decided to ride Liangshan to collect medicines. The less populated the place, the more likely it is to find high-quality medicines.

(End of this chapter)

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