Chapter 1157 Riding Liangshan

Chapter 1172

Ordinary people are afraid of sergeants with long knives on their waists, but Nianwen is not an ordinary person. She has even sat on the emperor's dragon seat many times. In this world, who else can make her feel afraid?

There are soldiers guarding the foot of Qiliang Mountain. It doesn’t mean that people are not allowed to go up the mountain. As long as the interrogation is clear, they can pass smoothly. Because the people are afraid of dealing with soldiers, they would rather go to other mountains to hunt and cut firewood.

"Stop, who is it? Where are you going? What are you doing?" The two soldiers were sitting on the rocks by the side of the road talking, but when they saw the text coming, they got up and stopped her, looking them up and down.

What a handsome young man, even though he was wearing coarse clothes and carrying a medicine basket, he still couldn't hide his luxurious temperament.

Nian Wen bowed his hands to the two soldiers, and said with a smile, "I'm Xia Chu Wen, I'm a doctor from Rongyu Hall in Jincheng, who came here to gather herbs to save people."

The two soldiers circled around the reading, and then checked the basket on her back. There was nothing in it except two small tools commonly used for collecting herbs, and there was no weapon on her body, only a folding fan pinned to her waist. .

"You said you were a doctor from Rongyu Hall?" A slightly taller soldier asked.

Read the text and nod: "Exactly."

"Since you're here to gather herbs, then go up the mountain, but you have to remember that you must go down the mountain before dark. The beasts in the mountains like to hunt for food at night. It's very dangerous for you to be alone on the mountain."

Another soldier also said: "Even if it is daytime, you can't be careless. The weather is getting hotter recently, and many poisonous snakes and insects in this mountain come out to move around during the daytime. Don't be bitten by these poisonous things."

Nian Wen smiled and cupped his hands: "Thank you, Big Brother, I will write it down."

The mountain road was more rugged than she had imagined. This was the first time she went to the mountain to collect herbs. Most of the fresh herbs she had seen before were bought from the medicine market, or Master took Wan Kun to the mountain to collect them, but they never take her.

She complained many times, but the master always refused to take her into the mountain. She thought that this day was not a day or two, and she was still very excited.

It was already noon when she climbed halfway up the mountain, and there was nothing else but weeds and messy leaves and branches along the way. She heard from her mother and master that generally good elixir likes to grow in the shade of high mountains. And there will be no tall trees around, at most some wild flowers and weeds around the surrounding, because good herbs need to absorb a lot of fertilizer to grow, if there are other trees growing around, it is obviously very unfavorable for its growth.

She leaned against a rock, and while eating dry food, she sighed and said: "I didn't expect that collecting herbs is still very tiring. I have exhausted half of my physical strength before I found this medicine. It is unimaginable. If you climb to the top of the mountain , if I don’t even have a single plant of medicine, wouldn’t my effort today be in vain?”

Thinking of what the big brother at the bottom of the mountain said, she didn't dare to delay any longer. She put away the unfinished half of the steamed bun, carried the basket on her back and continued to climb up.

She focused on the road ahead, and her eyes kept scanning the grass along the way, looking for the medicinal herbs she wanted, but she didn't find a poisonous snake with red stripes on its back and quietly followed her.

The poisonous snake's head was in the shape of a triangle, and the slender red letter kept spitting out, following behind Nianwen unhurriedly.

"Huh? Isn't this dogwort?" She squatted on a slope, and found a very familiar herb in the grass. It was not expensive, but it was a relatively common herb, but it was the first time in her life. Herbs were discovered for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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