Chapter 1158 Viper
Chapter 1173

She took out a small shovel, dug up the dogleg weed by its roots, and threw it into the medicine basket behind her. She became more and more excited, as if the purple scale she needed was not far ahead, and she was full of energy.

Just as she was about to move forward, she suddenly felt something was wrong. As a martial artist, she has a very keen sense of danger. A slight voice came from behind her. Without thinking about it, she subconsciously dodged to the side, but saw a The poisonous snake opened its mouth and rushed towards her to bite. If she hadn't dodged sideways just now, she must have been hit by now.

Fortunately, she didn't dare to be careless, she pulled out the short blade from her waist, and with a slight flick of her wrist, the short blade came out of her palm, stabbed the poisonous snake seven inches precisely, and nailed it to the ground. On the ground, the venomous snake writhed its body in pain, making its last dying struggle.

She stepped forward, held the dagger lightly, and cut the snake's body in two, the poisonous snake was completely dead.

The dagger was stained with the blood of a poisonous snake. She picked two leaves and wiped the dagger clean. She was about to put the dagger back into its sheath, but she heard a rustling sound behind her. She reacted quickly, and the dagger in her hand was thrown She came out, and accurately nailed a green-backed viper to the ground, but beside the green-backed viper, there was another larger green-backed viper, which was rushing towards her with its mouth open.

She no longer had any weapons to kill it, so she had to dodge to avoid it, but the place she was standing on was a slope, and her feet were covered with young weeds and yellow mud. Unable to stand still, slipped and fell to the ground, and rolled down the hillside like a wheel.

She just felt dizzy and dizzy, and her body kept bumping into small stones and wooden posts on the mountain. She tried her best to grab it, but she could only grab a handful of grass, and the medicine basket on her back fell into nowhere. Her body was still rolling until she fell into a deep pit. Her head seemed to have been hit by something, and her eyes were dark for a while. She was unable to get up, and there was no pain in her body, especially her left leg. The situation must have been dislocated.

She felt a little regretful, she shouldn't have come to collect the medicine alone, if she brought someone, at least now someone would know that she fell into this pit, and someone would come to rescue her.

But now, who can she count on to save her?Could it be that she was going to die here?

For some reason, at this moment, she suddenly thought of Wan Kun.

When she was 12 years old, Wan Kun was only ten years old. Once she slipped out of Wan Mansion alone to play without telling her master and parents. Unexpectedly, she met a rascal on the street. At that time, she was wearing the clothes of a maid in Wan Mansion. It might look more bullying.

Of course she couldn't bear to be bullied by scoundrels, and she would do it if she disagreed with her. She is very good at martial arts. If she fights alone, none of these scoundrels can be her opponent, but scoundrels are scoundrels after all, so they don't talk about morals. There were a lot of people, and they attacked in groups. After all, her fists were hard to beat with four hands, and she was soon at a disadvantage. At the critical moment, it was Wan Kun who appeared in time and rescued her. Although there were seven or eight people on the opponent, but She and Wan Kun worked closely together back to back to reverse the situation and beat those rascals to pieces.

Only later did she know that Wan Kun has been following her since she left the mansion, following her from afar, lending a helping hand in time when she needs it, and if not, he will always exist silently, not letting her know that he exists.

Just like last time at the palace banquet, he always appeared at the most critical time, but now, Wan Kun is far away in the capital, how can he suddenly appear like before, to rescue her and save her from danger.

(End of this chapter)

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