Chapter 1159 Three Tigers
Chapter 1174

The light in her eyes was gradually swallowed up by the darkness. She kept telling herself that she couldn't sleep, she absolutely couldn't sleep, but she couldn't resist the overwhelming darkness that came over her.

It is said that Wan Kun rushed to Qiliang Mountain in a hurry, and after asking the soldiers guarding the mountain, he learned that a very handsome young man went up the mountain with a medicine basket on his back an hour ago.

He also dived into Qiliang Mountain, looking for her whereabouts along the shallow traces on the ground, the more he couldn't find her, the more anxious he was, his head, face and back were completely soaked in sweat.

As the sky gradually darkened, his heart became more and more flustered. The night in this mountain was not only dark and cold, but also very dangerous. He had to find her and find her before something happened to her.

The red clouds all over the sky covered the earth with a layer of gorgeous red light. This was the last light of the day. Just as the afterglow was about to fade away, he saw a familiar folding fan falling into the grass.

Picking up the folding fan, he is very familiar with the small paintings and words inside. Every stroke and every painting is written by him. Wen'er thought it was her mother's handwriting, but he didn't know that this fan was carefully drawn by him. By her side, she can always carry something related to him, as if he is always by her side.

He hurried forward a few steps, and saw two poisonous snakes died tragically on the mud floor, one was broken in two, and the other was nailed to the ground with a dagger.

Something happened to her.

There are obviously messy footprints under the feet. In addition to footprints on the dense grass, there are also large-scale indentations from rolling over.

He quickly went down the slope, and sure enough, he found a broken medicine basket and two small shovels on the slope below.

Following those traces all the way down, he even picked up a shoe of Wen'er on the way. Although it is a short boot worn by a man, it is very short, similar to the shoes Wen'er usually wears.

He heard some strange low roars, which seemed to be the roars of some kind of ferocious beast. He became more and more anxious, quickly drew out his long sword, accelerated the speed of the downhill slope, and finally came to a deep pit at the foot of the slope. The low growl sound came from the pit. Taking advantage of the last glimmer of light in the sky, he leaned down in the pit and went down to take a look. As soon as he saw the situation inside, he broke out in a cold sweat.

Wen'er was lying in the deep pit with his eyes closed, surrounded by several tall and strong tigers, their noses constantly sniffing Wen'er's body, but Wen'er was unconscious, dead or alive.

One of the tigers even put its muzzle close to Wen'er's snow-white and slender neck. It only needs to bite the sharp and white tiger teeth lightly, and the snow-white neck will be bitten off by it.

The strange thing is that although the tigers surrounded her and kept gently arching her body with their noses, they never did anything to hurt her.

Even so, he couldn't just watch Wen'er in danger and do nothing.

Without thinking too much, he jumped into the deep pit and landed beside the tigers lightly.

He clapped his hands quickly, transferring all the attraction of the three tigers to him.

Seeing the unexpected guest coming, the tiger roared louder and louder. The tiger's eyes glowed with green light, and the saliva from the corners of its lips even fell like rain, as if a plate of delicious food fell from the sky. fell in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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