Chapter 1160 Who Saved Her?
Chapter 1175

He drew his sword and looked around. The pit was not that big. If he fought the three fierce tigers here, the flames of war would inevitably affect Wen'er who was unconscious and unworthy, and would make her more seriously injured. Thinking of this, he With a leap, he jumped out of the deep pit, and the three tigers immediately caught up and surrounded Wan Kun on a piece of grass outside.

Lianwen lying in the pit opened her eyes a slit. When the tiger suddenly roared loudly just now, she woke up with heavy eyelids. She tried her best to open her eyes a slit just now. .

The sky was gloomy, and it was about to be completely plunged into darkness. There was a strange smell in the air, not like the smell that people would have.

The beast's roar just now was clearly in her ears, and she clearly felt the beast's aura around her, so it suddenly disappeared.

At this moment, there was suddenly the roar of a ferocious beast outside, mixed with the whine of a long sword piercing the wind, is someone fighting the beast?She struggled to get up, but she didn't have any strength in her body. Just this movement, the severe pain in her legs made her eyes go dark, and she passed out again.

When she woke up again, she was still in the deep pit, but she was not lying in the original place. She remembered that there were a few small stones on the ground where she was originally lying, which caused her back pain, but now the place where she was lying was extremely painful. Soft and flat, there were waves of heat hitting her body from the left side, and someone's clothes were covering her body.

who rescued her?
Trying to open her eyes, on her left, there was indeed a bonfire burning, and there was still delicious meat roasting on the bonfire. There was no one around, she opened her mouth, but there was no sound.

She was a little puzzled, she just fell a few times, why is she so weak?Why was it that when I woke up earlier, my whole body was crushed, and there was pain everywhere?
After waking up this time, she obviously felt that the pain in her body had eased a lot, and she also had a little strength. She sat up with her arms propped up, and looked around. She was indeed in this deep pit, but except for her, There was no sign of anyone else.

With the bright light of the fire, she tore off the clothes covering her body. The dislocated calf had been connected, and a simple fix was made with branches. The branches were tied with a belt. Her attention was focused on Tie that knot.

She is very familiar with this kind of knot. This is Master's unique knotting technique when bandaging, which is beautiful and strong. After she learned it, she practiced for three full days before she was able to master it proficiently.

Who would tie such a knot?

Her eyes fell on the clothes on her body, it was a black long gown, the fabric was silky, there was nothing special about it, but the luxury of the clothes could be seen at a glance.

She was overjoyed, she knew this dress, it could be said to be very familiar, Wan Kun liked to wear this kind of clothes the most.

She held the clothes up to her nose and sniffed it, wanting to smell the familiar smell, but who knows, before the smell came out, a teasing voice sounded behind her: "My Do the clothes smell good?"

It really was him, it really was him!
She turned her head and saw those deep eyes, that familiar face, the person who reassured her.

"Little uncle? Is it really you? Why are you here? How do you know I'm here? How do you—"

He threw the dry firewood he picked up in his hand aside, and cut off her words: "Are you so surprised? Asking three times in a row, are you questioning my authenticity?"

(End of this chapter)

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