Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1161 The Food in the Beast's Mouth

Chapter 1161 The Food in the Beast's Mouth

Chapter 1176

He squatted in front of her, first stretched out his hand to touch her forehead, his pretty brows frowned slightly, then grabbed her hand signal pulse, and his brows tightened even more: "You snake poison has not been cleared, and the cold evil has entered your body again." , it seems that today is going to be a toss all night."

Snake venom unclear?She was a little confused, and then remembered the situation when she fell from the slope. At that time, she avoided the bite of a poisonous snake and nailed it to death with a dagger. At the same time, another poisonous snake rushed from another direction. When she dodged, She felt a sudden stabbing pain in her right ankle. She thought it was scratched by the thorns in the road, so she didn't look carefully. Later, she fell and rolled all the way down. The strength in her body was exhausted in a short time. The pain was so painful that she soon passed out.

It turned out that the tingling sensation from the ankle at that time was not pierced by thorns, but bitten by a poisonous snake.

She quickly checked the wound bitten by the poisonous snake. The wound was very small, with only two small red spots, which could not be seen without looking carefully. There were dots of blood around the wound. She was curious, the wound was so small, It's just a little bit of skin, how can there be blood?
At this time, Wan Kun took out a bamboo tube from her arms. The color of the bamboo tube was emerald green, and a fresh scent of bamboo penetrated into her nostrils. It was obviously a newly made bamboo tube.

"Drink some water." He sat down next to her and brought the edge of the bamboo tube to her lips.

Her mouth was parched and she could smell the coolness of the water, so she quickly took it and drank it down in one gulp.

"Is it good to drink?" There was a softness in his eyes, and there was a softness only when he looked at her.

She nodded: "It's very sweet, is this a mountain spring?"

He nodded: "Yes, I found it after searching for a long time. If you don't have enough, I'll go get some more."

She hurriedly grabbed his arm: "No, that's enough, I'm not thirsty now." Although there was a bonfire, the silence and darkness in the mountains still made her feel uneasy.

He didn't insist on it either. When he left, he was always worried, afraid that she would encounter any accidents, afraid that there would be beasts in the forest that were not afraid of fire. If he could, he would stay by her side.

He took off the animal meat that had been roasting on the fire for a long time, tore a piece and handed it to Nianwen: "Eat a little, although the taste may be worse, it's better to be full than hungry."

She took the meat, but her eyes were fixed on his face: "You haven't answered me yet, why are you here? When did you come to Jincheng? How do you know that I came to Qiliangshan today?"

He tore a piece of animal meat and threw it into his mouth, chewing it again and again, "It's been a long time since I came here. The root of Wanwutang is in Jincheng. Something happened here recently. In order to train me, Dad asked me to coming."

He swallowed the meat in his mouth, glanced at her sideways, and saw her staring at him with burning eyes, as if she didn't intend to ignore the question behind, so he could only answer: "I went to Rongyu Hall today and learned that you I was alone on the mountain to collect herbs, so I didn't feel at ease, so I followed, fortunately, I came."

Yes, luckily, if it wasn't for him, she really didn't know what would happen that night, whether she would become food in the mouths of these beasts, or die of poison.

"Sleepy?" He asked in a low voice when he saw her tired face.

She nodded, her eyelids drooping heavily.

"Sleep if you're sleepy, I'll stay here, I'll sleep at ease." He supported her shoulders and pushed her back into the haystack.

She held onto the corner of his clothes tightly with one hand, as if she was afraid that he would sneak away while she was asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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