Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1162 Why is your face so red?

Chapter 1162 Why is your face so red?

Chapter 1177

Silly girl, even if you go ahead of me, I won't go.

When she was fast asleep, he picked her up and held her in his arms so that she could sleep more comfortably.

There was a slight smile on the corners of her lips, which were always thin and cold, and there was a deep tenderness in her eyes, which were like cold rivers of thousands of years.

People who know him well all say that he urinates rigidly like an old man, thinking that this is his nature, which is cold and old-fashioned.

As everyone knows, these are just his disguises, he wants to disguise himself as an old man, so that he doesn't look like a boy who is two years younger than her.

He studies everything desperately. He is indeed very talented and learns everything very quickly, but in the dead of night, he is still studying hard, because he has to become stronger and better to be qualified to stand in such an outstanding position. by her side.

He beat her everywhere, just to make her forget the fact that he was two years younger than her.

Even asking her to call him Shishu is just to let her remember that he is different.

He himself can't remember exactly when she occupied his entire life, and everything he did was because of her and for her.

The body in his arms was getting hotter and hotter, and the more it was like this, the colder she would feel. He also took off his shirt, wrapped her body around her body, and hugged her tightly. As long as he survived this night, tomorrow Leaving this ghostly place early in the morning, returning to Rongyu Hall and drinking two doses of medicine, the disease will be cured naturally.

When she woke up again, it was already the morning of the next day. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw an open chest. Strong chest.

As for herself, she was lying in the crook of his arms, with her head half leaning on the chest.

Does she sleep like this all night?

This posture is too ambiguous. . .

She hurriedly sat up, only to realize that she was wrapped in his clothes, the outer and middle clothes were all on her body, it seemed that she had a cold attack last night.

As soon as she moved, Wan Kun also woke up, and quickly sat up to feel her forehead temperature. As soon as his hand touched her forehead, she quickly bounced away and smiled dryly: "No, it's all right, I'm all right."

She stuffed the clothes back into his hands: "Put it on quickly, and catch a cold carefully." Her fair little face was flushed with redness, dyed to the bottom of her ears, her heart was beating wildly, and even her breathing began to be chaotic.

She shook her head, shook off the daydreaming in her heart, and ordered herself to forget the scene just now, but the more she was so deliberate, the image of the half-exposed chest was always floating in front of her eyes.

My God, she never thought that she would be such a person, how could she have thoughts about her little uncle who is two years younger than herself, this is simply a sin, a huge sin.

He pursed his lips, and a shallow smile spread on the corners of his lips, "What's wrong with you? Why is your face so red?"

She didn't dare to look at him, so she said in a firm voice: "If you are not cured, you will naturally have a strange face. Put on your clothes quickly, and it will be my fault again if you catch a cold."

He glanced at the clothes in his hands, her breath still remained on them, he got up, quickly put on the clothes, straightened the slightly messy bun, and stretched out his hand to help up Nian Wen who was still sitting on the grass.

Nianwen glanced at the two-person-high pit wall, and then at his own legs. One was dislocated, and the other was bitten by a poisonous snake. They couldn't use their strength. How could they get out?

She was looking around, trying to find a better way, when she suddenly tilted her body, and she was actually held in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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