Chapter 1163 Purple Scale Grass

Chapter 1178

"What are you doing?" She blushed, her hands tightly grasping the fabric on his shoulders.

He raised his eyebrows: "No, can you go up by yourself?"

She was silent, yes, she couldn't go up, he just helped her, that's all.

But why, even though he was on the flat ground outside, he still refused to let her down?

She saw the tragic death of the three tigers, and in order to hide the embarrassment, she asked with a smile, "You fought three tigers alone, and you didn't get hurt at all?"

He felt that the wound on his arm was torn again, and warm blood gushed out of the wound, soaking his clothes. Fortunately, the outer shirt was black, so even if it was soaked in blood, it wouldn't be visible.

The arms around her didn't loosen at all, he didn't seem to feel any pain, his face was calm as usual, and there was no wrinkle on his eyebrows.

"Well, I can walk slowly by myself, let me go." Reading the text was still uncomfortable.

The steps under his feet didn't stop for a moment, and he said expressionlessly: "With your current speed, I'm afraid you won't be able to go down the mountain before dark today. Is it possible that you still want to stay alone in this mountain with me for one night?"

She laughed secretly, even if this person is telling a joke, he is so serious, it's not funny at all.

When passing by the broken medicine basket, she sighed faintly: "I originally went up the mountain to collect medicine, but the medicine was not picked, and I was injured instead. I am really useless."

Just when she glanced away from the medicine basket, she saw a light purple medicinal herb out of the corner of her eye, and she hurriedly shouted: "Stop."

Wan Kun paused, "What?"

Read the text and pointed in the direction of the light purple medicinal herb: "It seems to be scale grass, can you take a closer look?" The purpose of her going into the mountain this time is purple scale grass, if she can find it and bring it back, it is naturally the best .

Wan Kun hugged her and approached her, looked closely, and then said, "It's purple scale grass, do you want it?"

She nodded excitedly, with a sunny smile on her face: "Yes, of course, I came here for the Purple Scale. I was still complaining just now. I didn't say anything about my visit, and I got hurt all over my body." , now that there is Purple Scale Grass, all these injuries are worth it."

Wan Kun put her down and let her sit aside to rest, while he picked up the shovel on the ground and carefully dug out the purple scale grass by its roots.

"This Purple Scale Grass has been around for some years, and the efficacy of the medicine is not bad. If it is not too serious, this one is enough."

Nianwen took the Purple Scale Grass from him, and nodded repeatedly: "Enough is enough, this is a medicine primer, you don't need much, this one is enough."

"Is it the mother and daughter in Sandan Street who want to use it?" He asked,
Read the text and nodded, then froze for a moment: "How do you know?"

He glanced at the purple scale grass: "Let's go, I hope it hasn't withered too much when we return to the city."

He leaned over and picked her up again, climbed up the slope steadily step by step, and returned along the way he came.

When they went down the mountain, they happened to meet the military camp at the foot of Mount Qiliang was training soldiers. The two soldiers guarding the mountain were the same soldiers they had seen yesterday. They were relieved to see that they came out safely.

"If you don't come out again, we are planning to report to King Jin and send people into the mountains to look for you."

Nian Wen smiled and said, "Thank you both, we are fine."

The two were about to leave when a group of soldiers supported a tall and handsome middle-aged man and rode out from the camp.

They were not riding fast, it could be said to be very slow, so slow that each of their faces could be seen clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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