Chapter 1165 Medicine
Chapter 1180

Wan Kun nodded: "I just turned 13 years old." He looked at Min Hengzhi, and said what he didn't want to say at first, "Mother always talks about you, I hope you can go to Kyoto when you have time, so that the master and apprentice can meet each other. To reassure her."

The corners of Min Hengzhi's lips curled up slightly, with a hint of a smile, slightly bitter: "Yes, I will go to see her." After he thought about it, although he didn't know when, but there would always be that day, there would always be That day.

Min Hengzhi's eyes fell on Nianwen again, his eyes became softer and softer: "You may not remember that when you were young, I hugged you. You like the sweet milk and candied haws I sent you the most. Your mother likes you the most." Eat vegetarian and fried."

Read the text with a light smile: "My mother also likes to eat vegetarian fried rice now. My father learned to make the most delicious vegetarian fried rice. He often cooks it for my mother. There are cows that can be milked at home. I can often drink it. to the freshest milk."

Min Hengzhi's heart became more and more bitter, yes, Zheng Zhongwen has always been so caring, and he is ashamed of himself for being kind to Rong Yue.

From the beginning to the end, he was single-minded towards Rongyue, never changed, and never mixed any purpose.

Perhaps this is the biggest reason why Rong Yue finally accepted him.

"I live in Prince Jin's Mansion. If you encounter any difficulties, you can come to me." He smiled at Nianwen, and was grateful in his heart. The little girl didn't call him uncle, and didn't push him further , he was grateful.

"Thank you Uncle Min, I'll go to the palace to see you when I'm free." Nian Wen smiled sweetly.

Min Hengzhi didn't say anything more, he confessed a few words to the soldiers standing on one side, and ordered them to take Nianwen and Wan Kun to the carriage, then got on the horse and left quickly.

When they returned to Jincheng, it was already evening, and the two of them entered the Rongyu Hall hungry. The staff in the hall saw that Dr. Chu had finally returned, and they let go of their long-hanging hearts.

Read the text: "We haven't eaten for a day, and we are going to eat soon."

The clerk responded, and Wan Kun carried her to the consultation room, and put her gently on the couch in the consultation room. There were all kinds of medicine and tools in the consultation room. He quickly and skillfully fixed her again. She took medicine for her calf again, trying to apply medicine to the wound on her body.

Nian Wen blushed and snatched the medicine jar from his hand, and said with a dry smile, "I can do it myself."

Only then did Wan Kun realize that she was already 15 years old, a grown girl, and it was not convenient for him to see those wounds.

But she is like this now, how can she apply medicine to the wound by herself?The arms and legs are fine, but what about the back injury?
He snatched the medicine pot from her hand again, and said: "You and I are both doctors, we urinate to study medicine, have you forgotten what my mother said? To a doctor, patients are regardless of gender, and there is no such thing as giving or receiving." .”


Wan Kun ignored her, reached out and picked her up again, "It's not convenient to take medicine here, go to your room."

Reading the text's objection had no effect on him, as if he couldn't hear her words at all, he just hugged her and walked upstairs quickly, and told the guys not to disturb, he wanted to heal Dr. Chu's wounds.

From the point of view of the guys, both of them were men, and Dr. Chu was indeed wounded, bloodstains could be seen everywhere on the light-colored clothes, Wan Kun's request was normal.

"Is this one?" He asked standing outside the door of the first room on the second floor.

Nianwen shook his head slightly, lowered his face, "It's the one in the middle."

(End of this chapter)

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