Chapter 1166 Scars
Chapter 1181

This room was the one my mother lived in, and it was the only room on the second floor with a bed.

Wan Kun gently pushed the door open with his foot, and a familiar light fragrance entered his nose. This is Wen'er's favorite fragrance. Fresh magnolia flowers are added to the specially prepared condensed fragrance liquid to make dried flowers, and the fragrance is delicate. Light and elegant, she likes to keep this kind of dried flowers in the house for a long time, so that she always has this kind of smell on her body, which is also his favorite smell.

Putting her on the bed, he turned around and closed the door of the room, and carefully bolted it to prevent anyone from breaking in suddenly.

Lianwen bit her lip, seeing him turn around to face her, he hurriedly said: "I can really do it by myself, I really can." She didn't know why she became so coy, this is not the first time Wan Kun gave her medicine .

Last spring, she climbed to the roof to make a home for swallows. When she saw a baby swallow fall from the nest, she jumped down to save the baby swallow, but injured herself. Leaving a shallow scar.

When she was injured, Wan Kun was the first to find out, and she told him to keep quiet, so he was silent, didn't say a word, but secretly came to her room at night with his own newly prepared medicine.

Because her shoulder was injured, it was inconvenient for her to apply medicine, and she didn't want the girl to know. If the girl knew about it, her father and mother would know, and she didn't want them to worry.

Wan Kun offered to help her with the medicine, she was very happy, and agreed without further ado.

The current situation is very similar to that at that time, but why did she become coy?
Wan Kun ignored her, took out the ointment from his bosom, sniffed it in his nostrils, frowned and said, "Use it as it is, I'll make a new box for you tomorrow."

Reading the text was a little anxious: "Did you hear what I said?"

Wan Kun put the ointment on the small table next to the bed, and his beautiful eyes met those who read the text: "I heard it."

Read the text and said hurriedly: "Go out if you hear it."

Wan Kun shook his head: "I heard it, but I didn't intend to listen to you."

Nian Wen grabbed his clothes: "I don't care, I don't want you to take the medicine, you go out, I will do it myself."

Wan Kun stared at her with serious eyes: "Are you taking it off yourself, or am I?"

She is not unfamiliar with Wan Kun's eyes. On the contrary, she is very familiar with them. As long as he shows such eyes, it proves that he is very serious now, extremely serious, and he is not joking at all. What he said at this time must be true. It walks the talk.

She sighed, and said helplessly, "I'd better do it myself, you, you turn around."

After all, he is no longer a little girl, after all, he is no longer a little boy, at least not in her eyes.

Wan Kun turned around obediently, and heard the rustling sound of the cloth rubbing behind him, he swallowed, trying not to think about those beautiful pictures, but the more he suppressed his emotions, the emotions became like crazy weeds after the spring rain Pull out.

"Cough, okay, okay." Her voice was a little hoarse, she took off her coat and jacket, and lay on the couch wearing only a peach pink apron, with her head and face buried in the soft pillow.

He groaned, turned around slowly, and quickly locked his eyes on the two wounds on her back, trying not to let his eyes fall to the side.

The wound was not very deep, but the skin was scratched by sharp branches, but the wound was very long, and if it was not handled properly, it would leave ugly scars.

He first took a wet cloth from the basin in the room, wiped off the blood on the wound for her, and then carefully dried the water stains on the wound for her.

(End of this chapter)

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