Chapter 1167
Chapter 1182

When he did these things, it was only out of natural reactions, pity and cherish her, just like a father treats his most beloved daughter with care.

But his mouthfuls of hot air were blowing on her sensitive back. The feeling was itchy, numb, and very comfortable. She couldn't tell what it was like, but she felt ashamed and felt something wrong in her heart. Some ideas.

The cool ointment was smeared on her back very gently, just like the time he helped her apply the ointment last spring, it was so gentle and delicate.

At that time, she also laughed at him for acting like a woman, and he kept a cold face until he finished giving her the medicine. She asked him why he looked so unhappy, and he gave her a sullen look, and said angrily: "Why can't you protect yourself well? Why do you always get hurt? Why do you always make me worry about you?"

She didn't pay attention to this sentence at the time, thinking that he was playing his temper.

But now, when she got dressed and turned to look at him, the same expression appeared on his face again.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked blankly, thinking, how will you answer this time?
Wan Kun frowned, thinking that there were many long and short scars on her body, thinking of the wound on her ankle bitten by a poisonous snake, thinking of the scene of three fierce tigers surrounding her when he found her, the expression on her face The gloomy color becomes more and more intense.

"Zheng Nianwen, when will you grow up? When will you stop doing those risky things? When will you learn to protect yourself? When will you stop worrying me so much?"

She froze and looked at him blankly: "Why are you worried about me? I am obviously two years older than you."

Wan Kun frowned: "How about two years older? I'm still your uncle?"

So, is it because he is her uncle that he is worried about her safety?
She suddenly laughed, of course it is, otherwise what?She touched her belly: "I'm hungry."

He sighed again, turned around and walked towards the door: "I'll serve the meal, don't get out of bed."

His tall figure disappeared at the door, the smile on her face gradually dissipated, and she felt depressed for some reason.

Wan Kun came back soon, and brought the food that the cook had just reheated, and two empty bowls.

He helped her out of bed, let her sit at the table, first poured her a cup of tea, and then added some cloth and vegetables for her.

"You eat too." She smiled, showing the dimples on her cheeks.

He nodded, he couldn't finish it after only a few mouthfuls, his stomach was churning, and his temples were throbbing.

As a doctor, he naturally knew what was going on. He slept in the mountains last night, wearing only a thin undershirt. In addition to the injury on his arm, his body couldn't hold it anymore.

"Why don't you eat?" She swallowed the food in her mouth and asked him.

He shook his head: "It's not to my taste, I'll go back to Wanwutang to eat later."

She pouted: "You're still such a picky eater, here, try this, it's delicious." She picked up a piece of sweet and sour pork for him and put it in the bowl in front of him.

He had no choice but to pick up the chopsticks again, put the meat into his mouth, and was about to put down the chopsticks, when Wen'er suddenly reached out and grabbed his arm, the sudden pain made him frown immediately.

"What's wrong with your hands?" She found that the fabric on his arm was different from other places, and the color was darker. When she touched it, she could clearly feel the wetness on the fabric. She retracted her hand and looked at the palm, and it was full The hands are full of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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