Chapter 1168
Chapter 1183

She was startled: "Are you hurt?"

When did this happen?When did he get hurt?Why doesn't she know?
They have been together since she woke up, how could she be hurt?Thinking of the tigers she saw outside when she left the deep pit in the morning, could it be that he was injured while fighting the tigers?

"Show me." She reached out to shake his hand.

He grabbed her hand and said softly, "I'm fine, it's just a small injury. I'll just go back and apply some medicine."

He got up, his eyes were a little dark, he took a deep breath, stabilized his figure, and said in a low voice: "I'll go back first, you should rest early after eating, and tomorrow I will refine the detoxification pill for you, your legs and feet are inconvenient , don't be brave."

He turned and left, his body was straight and his steps were as steady as before, he didn't look different, but she knew that the difference was just the difference, the injury to his arm couldn't possibly be as light as he said.

His arm was obviously injured, but he still hugged her all the way down the mountain. No wonder, no wonder the blood is still bleeding. The wound will only heal slowly when resting. Every time the arm is exerted, the wound will aggravate the injury .

He clearly knew, clearly knew.

When she was 12 years old, after a martial arts class, she asked Jiao Di to teach her moves, but after more than ten moves, Jiao Di failed, so she practiced by herself, feeling very boring. At that time, Wan Kun passed by the place where she practiced martial arts. She begged Wan Kun to practice with her, but Wan Kun refused at first, but he couldn't stand her insistence, and finally agreed.

She always thought that among the three of them, her martial arts was the most powerful, but it was only at that time that she realized that she was wrong. Wan Kun not only surpassed her in medical skills, but also in martial arts.

But she is not reconciled, she is obviously two years older than him, and has been studying martial arts very hard, why did she lose to him?

Unwilling to admit defeat, she made dangerous moves time and time again when feeding her moves. Her sword stabbed him, and his sword also stabbed at her. On a tree in the garden, her sword stabbed his arm. Although the injury was not serious, when the blood stained her clothes, she was still panicked, and her tears couldn't stop falling. Knowing that he could have avoided it, it was because he didn't want to hurt her, but at that moment he chose to withdraw his momentum and take off the sword, but she didn't have as good control as he did, and stabbed him alive.

There was cold sweat on his obviously painful forehead, but he still pretended to be okay, wiped his tears for her, and kept saying that he was okay, he was fine, and he didn't hurt at all.

It was from then on that he began to wear black clothes and became more and more like a little old man.

He is always like this, always like this.

Wan Wu Tang

Wan Kun returned to Wanwutang, and walked towards the room with the last bit of strength left. The door of the room was close at hand, but he couldn't hold on, and passed out at the door.

The sound of falling to the ground alarmed Xiaodou who closed the door and was about to go back to the room. Xiaodou hurried upstairs and saw the young master lying at the door of the room. She was so anxious that she hurriedly helped the young master into the room and called someone to come and see Seeing the young master, he hurried out of Wanwu Hall and rode to Rongyu Hall on horseback.

At this time, the door of Rongyu Hall was already closed, and he slammed on the door desperately until someone opened it.

"My little brother, you are in such a hurry, what happened?" the man rubbed his eyes and asked.

Xiaodou said anxiously: "Jun, oh no, is Dr. Chu there?"

(End of this chapter)

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