Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1169 The princess is more anxious than him

Chapter 1169 The princess is more anxious than him

Chapter 1184

The guy hurriedly said, "Yes, it's just—"

Xiaodou was in a hurry: "It's good that I'm here, it's good that I'm here, hurry up, take me to see him, I have something important to do."

As Xiaodou said, he had squeezed into the hall, and the clerk followed him, trying to explain all the time, but he didn't give anyone a chance at all. He hurriedly climbed up to the second floor, and saw that only one room on the second floor was lit, so he went straight to He walked outside the house and knocked on the door: "Doctor Chu, I'm Xiaodou, can I come in?"

She is still very familiar with Xiaodou's voice, so she can hear it naturally, but what is he doing here now?
"Come in." Originally planning to take off her clothes and go to bed, she tied back the untied belt.

Xiaodou pushed the door and entered, followed by the attendant in the hall, the attendant said anxiously: "Doctor Chu, I really can't stop him."

Nian Wen waved his hand: "It's okay, we know each other."

The buddy breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and stepped aside.

"Xiaodou, you came here in such a hurry, but what's the matter?"

Xiaodou was sweating profusely in anxiety, and hurriedly said: "Doctor Chu, come with me to Wanwutang, my son has passed out."

Nianwen's complexion changed slightly, and he stood up immediately, "What's wrong with him? Why did he pass out?"

At this moment, Xiaodou saw the splint on her calf: "You, what's wrong with you?"

Nian Wen was anxious, and waved her hands again and again: "I'm fine, I'm not in the way." She turned to the waiter who was standing beside her and said, "Quick, get the carriage ready, I'm going out to see the doctor."

The guy looked embarrassed: "It's your injury."

"Go." She said anxiously.

The man didn't dare to say any more, so he hurried to go.

Xiaodou stepped forward to help her limping away from Rongyu Hall.

Sitting on the carriage, she kept urging the coachman to hurry up, her palms were already dripping with sweat as she pinched the handle of the medicine box.

Xiaodou was also anxious, but he didn't expect that the princess would be more anxious than him.

When she saw Wan Kun unconscious with a pale face, she couldn't stop crying, it was because of her, it was all because of her.

She asked Xiaodou to take off his clothes so that he could check his injuries. If he only injured his arm, how could he pass out?She knew very well that he was not such a fragile person.

Xiaodou took off Wan Kun's clothes, and there were many bruises of different sizes on the originally smooth skin. The wound on his arm was especially frightening. A whole piece of flesh was bitten off, and he squeezed it tightly with a piece of black cloth. She was wrapped around the wound, but she didn't notice it, not at all.

Looking at the wound, Xiaodou was so frightened that her hands were shaking, "How could this happen? How did you get hurt like this, sir?"

She quickly checked his injuries, and there was no internal injury, but judging from the pulse, there seemed to be something wrong. He actually showed signs of being poisoned, which was very similar to the snake venom in hers. No wonder he fainted.

Thinking of waking up in the morning, she saw a small puddle of blood beside the fire. She asked him whose blood it was, and he laughed and said it was hers.

Only then did he realize that it was indeed her blood, the poisonous blood he sucked out for her with his mouth, and he was also poisoned by the snake's venom.

But fortunately, fortunately, it was not serious, as long as he took the detoxification pill, he would be fine.

Xiaodou asked tremblingly: "Princess, son, will he die?"

Nian Wen glanced at him and said displeasedly: "What nonsense are you talking about? How could he die? Such a small injury is nothing, with me here, he will be fine."

She quickly wrote down the prescription and asked Xiaodou to prepare the medicinal materials. She wanted to start refining the detoxification pill immediately, and there was no delay, neither she nor Wan Kun.

(End of this chapter)

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