Chapter 1171 Not hurt at all
Chapter 1186

She is not an ordinary girl, and there are many secrets about her, some secrets that she may not even know herself.

The door was pushed open, and Xiaodou came in from the outside. Seeing his young master staring blankly at the sleepy princess, his brows twisted into twists, his heart was full of guilt, he shouldn't have gone to the princess last night, and she herself suffered Injured, and now in such a coma, I really don't know what to do.

Wan Kun's eyes fell on Xiaodou, and he asked in a deep voice, "Why did she come?"

Xiaodou hurriedly knelt down, "Master, Xiaodou deserves to die. Seeing you fainted, Xiaodou lost his sense of control and forgot your previous instructions."

Wan Kun stared at Xiaodou with cold eyes: "What happened after she came last night? What did you see? Tell the truth."

Xiaodou hurriedly said: "Yesterday after Xiaodou invited the princess from Rongyu Hall, he first gave you medicine, and then prescribed a prescription for Xiaodou to prepare the medicinal materials, saying that he wanted to refine the detoxification pill. When Xiaodou came back, he saw The princess is asleep on your bed and can't be woken up."

Wan Kun asked again: "What else?"

Xiaodou raised his eyes to look at his arm, and said truthfully, "My lord, you had an injury on your arm, and the injury was very serious, but for some reason, when Xiaodou came back, the injury on your arm, my lord, disappeared."

Wan Kun glanced at the door, and there was no one outside, so he said: "I wasn't injured at all yesterday, you misread, and, what shouldn't be said, don't talk nonsense, be careful that the misfortune comes out of your mouth."

Xiaodou nodded quickly: "Young master, don't worry, Xiaodou understands in his heart that the young master's hand was not injured at all, it was Xiaodou's blurred vision."

Wan Kun asked again, "Who else was in this room last night?"

Xiaodou shook her head: "There is no one else."

Wan Kun heaved a sigh of relief, it was fine if there was no one else, and Xiaodou urinated by his side to serve him. He knew Xiaodou's temperament, he was not a talkative person, and after his obvious warning, he knew what to do.

"Get up, be more cautious in what you say and do. Knowing more about some things may not be a good thing. Maybe it will be better for you to forget and not mention it."

Xiaodou got up and said repeatedly: "Xiaodou understands, please rest assured, young master, Xiaodou knows how to measure."

The young master was thinking of love, he knew in his heart that if it were someone else, his Xiaodou's life might not be saved.

Wan Kun got down from the bed, pulled the thin quilt to cover the reading, looked away greedily from her face, took the clothes from Xiaodou, and put them on slowly.

"You just said that the princess asked you to prepare the medicinal materials for refining the detoxification pill?"

Xiaodou nodded: "Yes, it was prepared last night."

He put on his belt, tied up his hair in a simple way, and said in a low voice: "I'm going to refine medicine, you go to Rongyu Hall and tell the people in the hall that Dr. Chu stayed in Wanwu Hall to treat my illness. Come back in two days, and bring me the purple scale grass that I brought back from the mountains yesterday." The person on Sandan Street is waiting for medicine to cure her illness, and he will do what she can't do now .

When Nianwen woke up, the room was pitch black. She moved her sore body, but couldn't remember what happened. This sleep seemed to be a long, long sleep.

There was no scent she was familiar with in the room, and the bed seemed to be harder than the bed she usually slept on. What's going on?Isn't she sleeping in her room?
She moved her body, and apart from the slight pain in her legs and feet, she didn't feel any obvious discomfort.

(End of this chapter)

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