Chapter 1172 Ability
Chapter 1187

After she calmed down, she stretched out her hands to prop up the bed, planning to get out of bed and eat something. Since she woke up, her stomach kept singing empty city tricks, and her throat was also dry and uncomfortable.

Her hands failed to touch the slightly hard bed board, but touched something that should not have been touched, soft and warm, like a human belly.

She quickly withdrew her hand, turned over, and got out of bed as fast as she could, but forgot about the current condition of her legs and feet. She was about to fall off the bed. Her arm was clasped by a thick and warm palm, gently With a tug, her body rolled back and fell into a warm embrace.

"When will you stop being so reckless?"

This voice is so familiar, with three points of dissatisfaction and complaints, but full seven points of helpless pampering.

She panicked and couldn't remember why she slept in his room or on his bed.

She reached out to push his chest, kept her body away from his embrace, sat up quickly, but didn't get out of bed again, but turned to stare at the pair of bright eyes in the dark night: "Why am I here?"

Wan Kun raised his eyebrows: "You don't remember?"

Read the text and think hard, "I only remember that I was invited by Xiaodou to heal your injuries. What happened afterwards? Why can't I remember anything?"

It turned out that she didn't know her own ability, because every time she used this ability, she would fall asleep for a long time like a serious illness. For example, this time, she slept for two full days and two nights , and even forgot some things before and after.

He got up and got out of bed, and turned on the lamp in the room. With the lamp on, he saw that the paleness on her face hadn't diminished in the slightest, her eyes were obviously dark and her breath was weaker than usual.

It seems that the princess and the prince didn't tell her about it because they were afraid that she would use this ability frequently and damage her body.

"You have not recovered from the poison, and you passed out as soon as you entered the door." He turned around and poured her a cup of tea, ignoring the suspicious look on her face.

"Why would I sleep on your bed?" She frowned, looking annoyed.

Wan Kun turned around, holding a cup of warm tea, with a calm expression on his face: "You fell on my bed, Xiaodou kept you awake, and there was no other room in Wanwutang. Don't overthink it."

Nian Wen took the warm tea in his hand: "I don't think much about it, you are a little uncle, what can we think about, hehe—" She laughed dryly, took the cup and poured half a cup of warm tea. Tea, and because I poured it too hard, I choked and coughed.

He sighed, sat down next to her, and gently patted her back: "It's not a child who can choke on saliva, it's really you."

Nian Wen stuffed the cup in his hand into his arms: "It's getting late, I'm going back."

Wan Kun said: "It's almost dawn, you sleep for a while, wake up and go before it's too late."

Nian Wen shook his head: "No, I've slept long enough, and the Purple Scale Grass has withered, I have to go back and have a look."

Wan Kun pointed to the porcelain bottle on the table and said, "I've already refined the purple scale grass into a elixir for you, you can just send someone to deliver it."

Lian Wen was stunned, quickly got out of bed, limped to the table, uncorked the porcelain bottle, poured out a elixir and sniffed it in the palm of her hand, it was indeed the elixir she wanted to refine.

"How do you know the kind of pill I'm refining?" She was puzzled, how could Wan Kun know everything.

Wan Kun shrugged: "You told me, did you forget?"

(End of this chapter)

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