Chapter 1174 Wu Gongzi

Chapter 1189

"Let's go, look for it." Young Master Jinyi waved his folding fan and walked into Sandan Street swaggeringly with a self-proclaimed flamboyant appearance.

"Little Fengling, your mother will be well soon, are you happy?" Nianwen straightened the broken hair at the temples for Xiaofengling, her eyes full of love.

Little Fengling nodded vigorously: "Happy, I heard that the young master was injured in the mountains in order to gather medicine for his mother, and was bitten by a poisonous snake. Are you all right, young master?"

Nianwen shook his head, stood up and turned around in front of her: "Do you think I'm doing something wrong?"

Little Fengling's eyes were slightly red: "Young master has not come for so many days. I know that you have been recuperating from your injuries. It just happened to come to see us. We don't know how to repay you."

She suddenly raised her head and stared at Nianwen with bright eyes: "Master, when I grow up, I will marry you when I grow up, and I will repay you with my body, okay?"

Nian Wen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and stretched out his hand to rub Xiao Fengling's hair: "You little girl, you're really a little ghost, do you know what it means to repay someone with your body?"

Little Fengling nodded seriously: "I know, I know, the young master saved me and my mother, from now on I will be the young master's man, be the young master's daughter-in-law, and give birth to the young master's children."

After hearing this, Lianniang on the side was very embarrassed: "You child, you can talk nonsense, how can someone like Young Master Chu marry you?"

Nian Wen smiled and said: "Sister-in-law don't need to reprimand her, she is still young and doesn't understand these things, but she will understand when she grows up."

She paused, and then said: "I don't have any selfishness in helping you. I just did what a doctor should do. You don't have to bear the burden, and you don't have to keep it in mind. I don't need your rewards, as long as you Being able to do well is the best reward for me."

She secretly stuffed a bank note under Lianniang's pillow, instructed some things to pay attention to, and left with the medicine box.

As soon as he walked out of the room, he was stopped by a young man with a wretched face: "This young man has a very good face, but he is new to Jincheng?"

Nianwen frowned, the gaze of the young man in front of her made her very uncomfortable, and she felt an urge to poach his eyeballs out of her heart.

"So what if you're new? So what if you're not new?" She looked cold, as if she didn't want to mess with me, but unfortunately, the young man in front of her didn't seem to have such vision.

The young man took a step forward, his eyes became more wanton, he stretched out the folding fan in his hand to hook the delicate chin of the young man in front of him, "Do you know who this young man is?"

Nian Wen stretched out his hand and knocked down the folding fan in his hand, his palm felt a little numb, it was actually an iron fan, if he knew it, he wouldn't have to hit it with his hands.

"Whoever you are, show some respect, otherwise don't blame me for being rude." She frowned and took a step back, not wanting to get too close to such a person, disgusting.

The young man raised his eyebrows, glanced at the folding fan under his eyes, and said with a smile: "You have personality, young master, I know you are a person with personality." He took the folding fan from his subordinates, and said with a proud face: "Tell him, young master Who is the father?"

The sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked boy hurriedly stepped forward, and said proudly: "This is one of the famous Jincheng Four Young Masters, Mr. Wu."

Seeing the disdainful look on Nian Wen's face, the young man hurriedly added: "You may not have heard of it when you first came to Jincheng, but you must have heard of Mr. Wu, the right servant of the Ministry of War in Kyoto. My son is Mr. Wu's nephew."

Nian Wen raised his eyebrows: "So what?"

The boy froze for a moment, "Huh?"

Nian Wenfu asked: "What about Mr. Wu's nephew?"

(End of this chapter)

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