Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1175: The Obsession With Broken Sleeves?

Chapter 1175: The Obsession With Broken Sleeves?

Chapter 1190

The boy's face immediately changed, and he yelled: "You are so arrogant, you dare to be so rude to my son. It is your good luck that you have cultivated in eight lifetimes, and you are so ignorant."

Nian Wen's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, chewing on what the young man said just now: It is your good fortune that you have cultivated in eight lifetimes for my young master to fall in love with you. . .His son took a fancy to her?And her current appearance is that of a man, that is to say, this annoying guy in front of her has a habit of cutting off her sleeves?

Her eyes were getting colder, and her eyes were very unfriendly: "So, what do you think?"

The boy was about to speak, when Mr. Wu stepped forward, pushed the boy aside, stared straight at the reading text, and said word by word: "Looking at your appearance, you should be an apprentice in some medical hall." , I know that the life of an apprentice is not easy, so why not go back with me, I will guarantee you good food and spicy food, and a happy life."

Nianwen responded coldly: "What if I don't agree."

"No?" Mr. Wu raised his eyebrows, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more sinister: "I want you, so it's up to you to say yes or no."

She put the medicine box in her hand on the ground, and flicked her neat sleeves: "Then let me see what skills you have."

The young man said to Mr. Wu: "Master, let me do it. For a weak Mr. like him, I alone is enough. You don't need to do it, Mr. Wu."

Mr. Wu nodded: "Take it easy, don't hurt this young master's delicate skin and tender flesh."

Read Wen sneered, "It's not certain who hurts whom."

The young man felt that he was underestimated, and he was very upset, so he bullied himself and smashed his fist at Lianwen's chest.

Nianwen slipped his footsteps, turned sideways to avoid the boy's attack, raised his foot and kicked the boy's ass fiercely, kicking him to the ground, fell like a dog eating shit, the sand and stones on the ground scratched half of his face, His forehead was also bruised by a stone, and blood flowed out, making him grin his teeth in pain.

Seeing this, Mr. Wu's complexion changed drastically, he pointed at the text and said, "You don't want to eat a toast or a fine wine."

Lianwen snorted coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, show your housekeeping skills, otherwise, don't blame me for not giving you a chance to make a move."

Mr. Wu has learned kung fu for several years, and this young master in front of him is obviously a Lianjiazi, otherwise how dare he speak such arrogant words in front of him, the more he does this, the more excited he is, what is so rare about something that is easily available?Things that require a lot of effort to get are especially likable.

"Okay, very good, my son likes your hotness." While speaking, he shook his hand, and the iron bone fan in his palm opened wide, and the light was cold immediately, like opening an extremely sharp butcher's knife.

Mr. Wu held the iron-bone fan in his hand, jumped forward, and moved towards Nianwen.

Nianwen went out today without a weapon, and saw a branch on the ground, so he stretched out his foot and kicked the branch towards Mr. Wu, hitting the door directly in front of him.

Mr. Wu paused slightly, turned sideways to narrowly avoid it, and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly: "Is that what you are capable of?" Just as he finished speaking, a lump of dark green cow dung hit his face.

Read the text and looked at the bullshit-faced Mr. Wu with a smile: "How is it? Is it fragrant?"

When did Mr. Wu suffer such humiliation, his heart was full of anger, he gritted his teeth and said: "I will kill you."

He raised the folding fan in his hand, and slammed it fiercely at Nianwen. Small silver needles flew out from the gap between the iron bones, and struck at Nianwen.

(End of this chapter)

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