Chapter 1176 Yin Shuwei

Chapter 1191

"Brother, be careful, this needle is poisonous." A panicked voice came from behind Mr. Wu. He read the text and stepped on the wind. The shining golden needle came out of the palm and pierced into Mr. Wu's right chest swiftly. Mr. Wu immediately felt that half of his body on the right was paralyzed, without any consciousness at all.

He panicked: "You, what are you doing to me? Are you poisonous on this needle?"

Lianwen sneered: "Are you allowed to give poisonous injections, but I am not allowed to give poisonous injections?"

Mr. Wu couldn't stand upright and fell to the ground. With red eyes, he pointed at the text angrily: "Do you know what the consequences of your actions will be? If you offend me, you will never have a good life in Jincheng."

Nian Wen stepped forward and kicked him in the face, causing him to spit out two big teeth: "Really? I'll wait and see how miserable my end will be."

Mr. Wu hated reading the text to the marrow, and the previous feelings of pity and pity have long been forgotten, and he just wants to peel the skin and bones of the little devil in front of him.

"You wait, don't run away if you have the ability." Mr. Wu turned to the boy beside him and said, "Why are you still standing there? Why don't you help me back?"

Mr. Wu was helped up by the servant, and when he turned around, he saw the young man who had just said that the needle was poisonous, his face became more and more ugly, "It's you again? You wait for me, don't think that I have nothing to do with you."

The young man smiled lightly and cupped his hands: "Waiting for you anytime."

Mr. Wu was very angry, but he had nothing to do with him, he could only grit his teeth and leave in despair.

It was only after reading the text that I could see the appearance of the young man who just spoke out to help. He was really a handsome young man with a beautiful face. She curled her lips and smiled lightly: "Thank you, brother, for your words of help."

The young man clasped his hands: "It's just that I'm troubled. My brother is very skilled in martial arts. Even if I didn't make a sound just now, you won't lose."

This is the truth, "My surname is Chu, a doctor in Rongyu Hall, dare to ask your name?"

"My surname is Yin, Yin Shuwei."

He said that his surname was Yin, and he immediately thought of Yin Yixuan when he read the text. The appearance of Yin Shuwei in front of him is really [-]% similar to that Yin Yixuan.

"What's your relationship with Prefect Yin?" she asked.

Yin Shuwei raised his eyebrows: "Father-son relationship, do you know my father?"

She nodded, and looked at the young man in front of her indistinctly again, and found that not only did he look like Yin Yixuan, but his temperament was also very similar, with a strong bookish air, refined and refined.

"When I first came to Jincheng, something happened in Rongyu Hall. Thanks to Mr. Yin's help, it has been solved perfectly."

Thinking of his father's silence these days, Yin Shuwei frowned slightly, "Brother Chu, didn't he come from the capital?"

Read the text and nodded: "Yes, I'm from Kyoto, what's the matter?" She clearly felt the change in his mood.

Yin Shuwei glanced at it for a few times, but finally didn't ask, and shook his head with a light smile: "It's nothing, I was thinking too much, Brother Chu, I still have some things to deal with today, I will go to Rongyu Hall to find you when I am free some other day." , I invite you to drink."

Reader nodded readily: "That's good, I'm new to Jincheng, I don't have many friends, and I'm not very familiar with Jincheng. It would be a blessing if I can make friends with Brother Yin."

Yin Shuwei looked at the bright smile of the young man in front of him, lost his mind for a moment, then smiled and said, "It's also Shuwei's luck."

The two exchanged a few words of greeting and said goodbye to each other. As far as Yu Nianwen was concerned, whether it was Mr. Wu's provocation or Yin Shuwei's acquaintance, it was just a small episode, and she didn't take it to heart.

But these two incidents quickly reached Wan Kun's ears, but he didn't think it was just a trivial matter.

(End of this chapter)

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