Chapter 1178 Destiny
Chapter 1193

As long as he could remember, his father had always lived in the study, and he had never even seen him set foot in his mother's yard, and he had hardly seen him talk to his mother, except for a few words when they sat together at festivals.

He didn't understand why his father was so heartless towards his mother. Since he didn't like his mother, why did he marry her in the first place?

He gritted his teeth and turned back to the yard where his mother lived.

Under the dim light, his mother was sewing clothes stitch by stitch. Over the years, every time he came to his mother's yard, he saw such a scene. His mother seemed to be doing the same thing forever, as if she was doing it again and again. There is nothing else to do.

His heart ached slightly, he stepped forward and snatched the clothes from his mother, and threw them on the ground: "Mom, you made a cabinet full of clothes, can he wear them once?"

Chai was taken aback, not understanding what happened to his son today.

The servants in the room retreated quickly and closed the door outside.

Chai picked up the clothes on the ground, patted the dust on his head, and sighed: "Shuwei, what's wrong with you?"

Yin Shuwei asked: "Mother, what's the matter with you and father? Why would he rather sleep in the study than come to your place?"

Chai didn't expect his son to ask this, and his face was bitter, "Why are you asking this?"

"Mother, tell me, what happened between you and why did the relationship become like this?"

Chai shook her head: "It's all in the past, why bring it up? Your father doesn't like me, I know that, let him go, I have you enough."

"Mother, you always defend him like this. He doesn't notice your kindness to him at all. Is it worth it?"

Chai smiled wryly: "This kind of thing, what is it worth? If you like someone, you will naturally give wholeheartedly for that person and don't ask for anything in return. It is best to get a response. If you don't get a response, It's fate, you can't force it." She sighed, and said to her son, "Shu Wei, your father is also suffering, so don't blame him. After all these years, I also blamed him, hated him, and made trouble. , but then I gradually understood that he is also a poor man, more pitiful than me, at least I still have you, but he—”

Her eyes were full of bitterness, and she shook her head helplessly and sighed.

"But what? Mother, tell me why you always keep these things in your heart."

Chai said: "It's all in the past, what are you talking about?"

Yin Shuwei was a little anxious: "Mother, I want to know. I feel so uncomfortable watching you live like this all day long. If I can't understand the truth, I really don't know how to deal with strangers like you in the future." relation."

Seeing that her son seemed determined to find out about this matter, Mrs. Chai thought that her son was not too young and would need to know sooner or later, so she pointed to her side: "Sit down."

Yin Shuwei was overjoyed, knowing that his mother had agreed to tell him the truth, so he quickly sat down and poured himself and his mother a cup of tea.

Chai sighed, and his thoughts went back to 16 years ago.

"Your father and I got married in Pengcheng. Before we got married, your father had a good time. He used to be the number one scholar in the new department, and was once a famous handsome man in Beijing. , the scenery is extremely beautiful."

"He made an engagement when he was young, and the girl was also in Pengcheng back then. Because he was dissatisfied with this arranged marriage that he had never met, he didn't propose marriage until he was 19 years old."

(End of this chapter)

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