Chapter 1179
Chapter 1194

"The girl was also 17 years old, and because her biological mother died early, her stepmother was not kind, and her life in the mansion was not good. Seeing that the Yin family refused to discuss marriage for a long time, her father decided that it was because she disliked the girl's bad background. He viciously drove that girl out of the mansion on a snowy night, forcing her to fend for herself outside."

Yin Shuwei frowned, and said displeasedly: "This family is really hateful, how can we drive a weak and helpless girl out of the house?"

Chai smiled bitterly: "Later, when your father returned to Pengcheng from the capital, he saw that girl at a friend's house. Although she was kicked out of the house, she was still alive and well with her excellent medical skills. When your father saw her Qingxin, after learning of her identity, she immediately asked your grandfather to go to her house to discuss marriage, but the result was not satisfactory, the girl refused to go home again, and also refused to admit the marriage."

"Later, she was with your father's best friend. Your father was so angry that he did many wrong things. He forced her to marry him several times but failed. He just watched her fall into someone else's arms."

Yin Shuwei never imagined that his father, who has always refused to take a second look at women, has such a history: "So, he still can't forget that woman?"

Mrs. Chai shook her head: "I don't know. He never said anything to me. Maybe he still remembers that missed fate in his heart. Maybe he just hates the mistakes he made at the beginning and refuses to give up. Forgive himself."

Yin Shuwei thought that when he mentioned Mr. Chu in front of his father just now, his usually calm face showed such an urgent concern.

"Mother, the woman that Father once liked, is now in the capital?"

Chai looked surprised: "How do you know?"

"Her husband's surname is Chu?"

Chai shook her head: "No, her husband's surname is Zheng."

Surname Zheng?Yin Shuwei frowned, isn't Young Master Chu the son of his father's beloved woman?
"Then is her surname Chu?"

Chai shook her head again: "The surname is not Chu, her surname is Qi, but it is normal for her to be recognized as a sister by the emperor, and to be a princess protecting the country, and to change her surname to Chu."

Yin Shu's only face was shocked: "What? The woman my father likes is actually the famous princess protecting the country?"

Chai nodded: "That's right, it's her. I was lucky enough to meet her once. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. She is not only beautiful on the outside, but you have heard about her deeds. You have such a rival in love. It is perfectly normal for him to refuse to look at me more in his life, after loving such a woman, how can he tolerate such an ordinary me in his eyes?"

Yin Shuwei felt his mother's frustration, and hurriedly grabbed her mother's hand: "No, mother, you are also a very remarkable woman in my eyes. Although I don't know what the princess who protects the country is like, my mother is definitely not a mediocre person."

Mrs. Chai patted his son's hand and said with a smile: "I understand, I understand it in my heart, and I have already thought about it. Since I told you, I just let it go. You don't have to worry. I have been here for so many years, so there is nothing wrong with it." of?"

Yin Shuwei suddenly said: "So, Rongyu Hall is actually the property of Princess Huguo?"

Chai nodded: "Yes, after she left Pengcheng, she opened a second Rongyutang in Jincheng, and lived here for a while, it is her second hometown."

He thought of Dr. Chu whom he saw during the day. It seemed that he was the son of his father's old friend. No wonder his father became so nervous when he heard about him.

"Father came here to be an official, but because it used to be the second hometown of his beloved woman?" Yin Shuwei didn't think too much, and asked directly. How can I take it back.

Chai smiled wryly: "Perhaps so. He had the opportunity to go to Beijing at the beginning, but he gave up and chose Jincheng. The people in the Hou's mansion didn't hold him accountable. I think everyone knows it well."

(End of this chapter)

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