Chapter 1180
Chapter 1195

Or maybe it was because he didn't know how to face his old friend at all, so he chose to escape.


Wu Fu
"Master, our son has already been bullied. We can't just let it go." Seeing her son's miserable condition, Mrs. Wu was so angry that she almost fainted, and she cried to her husband, wiping her tears.

Master Wu glared at her bitterly, and said angrily: "Cry, cry, cry, you know how to cry. The good luck in the family will make you cry."

Master Wu turned to his moaning son and asked, "Did you cause trouble outside again? Did you let the enemy seek revenge? As soon as I returned to the mansion today, I heard people say that you came from outside today. It’s not quite right when I come back, it’s like being beaten.”

Wu Xing hurriedly said: "Yes, it's him, it must be him, I haven't gone out for a long time, and I ended up with him alone when I went out today, and the beating made me vomit blood at that time, this person must have been found by him at night Yes, dad, you have to help me avenge."

When Mrs. Wu heard this, she immediately said in a sharp voice: "What? You were beaten outside today? Who is so bold? In Jincheng, who is so short-sighted and dares to beat you? You tell mother, mother Call the shots for you."

Mr. Wu glared at his wife angrily, and said angrily: "I don't know what to do, why don't you tell him clearly first, if the other party is easy to bully, why do you keep making trouble for him? what?"

Mrs. Wu shrank her neck, not daring to argue with the master, she turned her head to her son and said, "Xing'er, tell your parents what's going on? Who is the person who beat you during the day?"

Wu Xing glanced at his father, he didn't dare to tell the truth, he only chose what was beneficial to him and said: "I went out for a stroll today, and I met a man on Sandan Street. I uttered wild words and insulted with all kinds of words. After all, I am also a member of the Wu family. How could I let him insult me ​​indiscriminately, so I had an argument with him, and then I started fighting again. I am not his opponent, and he slapped me in the face Not to mention the cow dung, it even knocked out two of my big teeth."

Madam Wu felt distressed when she heard this, and hurriedly said: "Where did the savage come from, to be so unreasonable?"

Master Wu snorted coldly: "Only you will believe his nonsense. His current virtues are all thanks to you. A loving mother has many failures, and a loving mother has many failures!"

Mrs. Wu couldn't stand listening, and said in a choked voice, "My son is like this, why are you still talking to others? He is your own son."

Master Wu said: "Because he is my own son, I know what kind of virtue he is. He must have provoked others first, otherwise, with his temperament, he was wronged outside, and he would come back without saying a word. ?”

Master Wu glared at Wu Xing, and said angrily, "Say, who is the other party?"

Wu Xing hurriedly said: "It's just a doctor. I heard that he went to Sandan Street for free consultations. I didn't expect his kung fu to be so good."

Master Wu narrowed his eyes slightly: "It's just a doctor? A doctor from which hospital?" How dare a mere doctor touch the Wu family?
Wu Xing thought for a while, "It seems that I heard what kind of Yu is, and I can't remember."

Master Wu's complexion changed slightly: "Rongyu Hall?"

Wu Xing nodded quickly: "That's right, that's Rongyu Hall, dad, do you know?"

Master Wu pointed at his son on the bed, and said angrily, "Look at you, you are also a native of Jincheng, and you know all about making troubles all day long, and you don't even know about Rong Yutang. Someday people will be slaughtered and they won’t know how they died.”

(End of this chapter)

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