Chapter 1181

Chapter 1196

Mrs. Wu curled her lips: "As for scaring him so much? It's just a medical clinic that is about to close down. Even if it was once brilliant, it was once. There is nothing to be afraid of."

Master Wu glared at her fiercely, and said angrily: "As expected, like a mother like a son, no wonder the son is so worthless. It's all your mother's fault. You can't even teach a child well. Why don't you give me a son?" What is the use?"

Mrs. Wu was dumbfounded by the master's scolding, what's the matter?It's just a medical clinic, so is there any need to get so angry with her?
Wu Xing also looked confused: "Father, what is the origin of this Rongyu Hall?"

Master Wu said: "Listen carefully to me. The former master of Rongyu Hall is the current princess protecting the country, the emperor's most respected sister, and her husband is the emperor's most trusted side-by-side king. He holds the military power of the Western Xinjiang army. His father Zheng Guogong holds the military power of 20 troops in Longxi, and the momentum in the capital, besides the emperor, is their Zheng family, how dare you provoke such a person? Even if you pull out your uncle, you will not dare to make decisions for you."

Wu Xing was dumbfounded when he heard that, he didn't expect such a small medical clinic to have such a strong background.

After being stunned for a while, he said again: "Even so, the princess protecting the country is the former master after all, and now she has completely ignored the affairs here, and that doctor is just a nobody, why should he look down on our Wu family?"

Master Wu really wanted to smash his son's head open to see whether it was water or a pig's brain.

"If he was just a nobody, would he dare to beat you like this? After beating you once, he felt uneasy, and then asked someone to beat you again. Is this something that nobody can do?"

Mrs. Wu at the side was confused: "Then is he a nobody?"

Master Wu sighed, regretful in his heart, why he married such a stupid woman and gave birth to such a stupid son, it was simply a curse in his life.

"Since he claims to be from the capital, he came from the Prince's Mansion. No matter what his status is, he will not be an unknown person. What does this prove? It proves that Princess Huguo still values ​​this Rongyu Hall very much and sent him here To rectify and revive the reputation of Rongyu Hall."

After saying this, the mother and son finally understood, and knew that this time they had hit an iron plate, but they were unwilling to be beaten up like this, and they were injured so badly.

"Master, let's leave it at that?" Mrs. Wu asked.

Master Wu snorted and said, "Forget it, what can you do? If you have the ability, go to the capital to sue your son for imperial appeal, and see if the emperor takes care of you."

Mrs. Wu remained silent, and raised her eyebrows to look at her pained son, "Xing'er, don't worry, 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, let's remember this enmity first, and we will take revenge when we have the opportunity." Not too late."

Master Wu shook his sleeves and said in a cold voice: "Send someone to the government office to solve the case tomorrow morning, don't do anything useless, even if you break your leg, just stay at home and don't go out to cause trouble for me."

How could he not know about his son's filthy affair? They are not married yet, and the girls in the yard let him touch them all over. There are also a few fox spirits from Fireworks and Willow Alley outside. It is even said that they are raised in the eastern suburbs The two young men, who were despicable and innocent, were notified by men and women, and they almost wiped out the reputation that his Wu family had accumulated in these few lifetimes.

Sometimes he really wished he hadn't had this son, not to mention seeing it, but thinking about it made him feel uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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