Chapter 1182 Unexplainable
Chapter 1197

At daybreak, Yin Shuwei hurriedly ate breakfast in the mansion and went out without any entourage, and went straight to Rongyu Hall.

At this time, the Rongyu Hall had just opened, and the staff were still sweeping the floor and wiping the tables, but the doctor's desk was still empty.

"Young master, do you want to see a doctor?" the man asked.

Yin Shuwei said: "I'm looking for Dr. Chu, will he come today?"

The man turned his head and glanced at the stairs, and said, "It's already here, just wait a moment."

Following the staff's line of sight, Dr. Chu, who I met yesterday, really walked down the stairs, holding a white and fat steamed bun in his hand, chewing on it without taste.

As soon as Nianwen came downstairs, he saw Yin Shuwei who he met yesterday, and was quite surprised: "Mr. Yin? Why are you here?"

Yin Shuwei bowed his hands to him, and said politely: "I want to ask Dr. Chu about some things, but I'm anxious. I came a little early, so I hope Dr. Chu can't be blamed."

Read the text and nodded: "Oh, yes, this way please." She went straight to the consultation table and sat down, asking Yin Shuwei to sit on the stool beside the consultation table.

"Is anyone in the family sick?" she asked.

Yin Shuwei shook his head: "No, I have some personal questions."

Nian Wen raised his eyebrows: "A personal matter? What is it?"

Yin Shuwei said directly: "Mr. Chu, do you know what happened between my father and your mother?"

Read Wen frowned: "What happened between your father and my mother?" She shook her head: "I've never heard of it. Is there anything going on between them?"

Yin Shuwei was stunned, he didn't know, he didn't know. . .That's right, didn't I just know about it last night?
Seeing Yin Shuwei in a daze, Nian Wen pushed his arm: "Speak up, what's going on between my mother and your father?"

Yin Shuwei returned to his senses, with an embarrassed expression on his face, he shook his head: "It's okay, I was rude."

Hey--I said half of this and left the other half. Isn't this intentionally uncomfortable?

Yin Shuwei got up: "I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first." After saying that, he turned around and left without any room to hold back.

He was in a bad mood when he read the text. What is it called? He said something out of nowhere and didn't make it clear, causing her to think wildly here alone.

Wan Kun came in from the outside, carrying a food box in his hand, "Who was that person just now? A patient?"

Nianwen shrugged: "The son of the prefect of Yin, for no reason, came to talk about something in the early morning, which troubled me."

Wan Kun raised his eyebrows slightly: "Is there any? What do you mean?"

Nianwen threw down the half-eaten steamed buns in his hand, took the food box in his hand, took out the sweet milk in it, and took a deep sip, full of satisfaction: "He asked me if I knew that my mother and his The matter between father and father is really strange, what can my mother and his father have? They left without explaining clearly. "

It turned out that this was the matter, Wan Kun didn't make a sound, and brought out the fried vegetables from the bottom of the food box: "Don't just drink milk, eat two of these."



Shangguan Yu'er knelt in front of her parents, crying with snot and tears: "Father, mother, this matter really has nothing to do with me. I also drank too much yesterday and went to bed early. I don't know anything. I didn't know what happened until I woke up early, and I don't know why Liu Liu went to Big Brother's courtyard."

Mrs. Xian Guanghou was so angry that she almost didn't turn away, and pointed at her daughter with trembling fingers: "How dare you argue, if you weren't active in the middle, how could she have successfully entered your elder brother's courtyard and even slept in your elder brother's bed? If it wasn't for you, how could this matter go so smoothly?"

(End of this chapter)

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