Chapter 1183 Grievance
Chapter 1198

Shangguan Yu'er was so wronged, how could this matter have nothing to do with her?If she knew that Sun Liuliu was such a scheming woman, she would never have sex with her.

She has always had a good capacity for alcohol, she would not get drunk after drinking five glasses of the size of the wine glass last night, but if she stayed yesterday, she would only have three glasses of wine, so she would not know what happened to her, which is strange.

But right now, who would believe her?Normally, she and Sun Liuliu have a very good relationship, but now that this happened, everyone naturally believed that she was secretly fueling the flames, and she really couldn't argue.

"Mother, I really don't. Last night Sun Liuliu said she was in a bad mood, so I drank with her and passed out after only three cups. I didn't know anything. Besides, my eldest brother just likes the princess who is side by side with the palace. I am very clear about this matter, how could you do such a thing to harm elder brother, father, mother, you must trust Yu'er, no matter how stupid Yu'er is on weekdays, she will not do such a disrespectful thing."

Shangguan Tuo frowned, and listened carefully to his daughter's words, but believed him three points, "Get up, don't say anything beforehand."

Mrs. Xian Guanghou supported her painful forehead and said: "Can it be concealed for a while, can it be concealed for a lifetime? Sun Liuliu is also the daughter of the Marquis Mansion after all, and now his body has been broken by our son. If you don't take this responsibility, how can you justify it?"

Shangguan Tuo said: "If you lose, you will lose. At worst, let Nuo'er marry her. Now—" He glanced at his daughter beside him, "Go down first, and go to Mu Cangju to see your brother."

Shangguan Yu'er couldn't get what she wanted, so she hurriedly rubbed the soles of her feet with oil and ran away.

Only the husband and wife were left in the room, and Shangguantuo continued: "It is completely impossible for us to be with the Shangguan family and the palace, and the road we are going to take in the future is even more incompatible with them, so I took this opportunity to break the promise." My son has a good idea."

Liao Shi looked worried: "Are you really going to do it?"

Shangguan Tuo raised his eyebrows, his face was cold, "Of course I will do it. I have been planning for so long, is it just for a momentary pleasure?"

Liao asked, "How about the queen?"

Shangguan Tuo sneered: "Although there is no clear answer, her attitude has changed. Promise me, it's just a matter of time, so don't worry about it."

This is really due to the emperor, who was cold and indifferent, and hurt Yao'er's heart, otherwise, how could he, Shangguan Nuo, have this opportunity?

Liao still hesitated: "What should my father say?"

Shangguan Tuo immediately closed his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Don't tell him yet, he has a pedantic and old-fashioned mind, and he will never approve of this matter. It is only a matter of time if he can hide it for a while. When the time is right, even if he knows it, it will not help."

Seeing that her husband had made up his mind, Mrs. Liao didn't say anything more, it was useless to say more, why bother to make trouble for herself.

Wood Cangju.

Sun Liuliu had already left Mu Cangju, and Shangguan Nuo sat alone on the floor in front of the table in a daze, his eyes were bloodshot, his hair was disheveled, and his clothes were half opened.

Shangguan Yu'er has never seen such a big brother. In her eyes, the big brother has always been a handsome man with an extraordinary appearance. Is the dejected man in front of her really his big brother?

She knelt down next to her elder brother and gently tugged on his sleeve: "Brother, what's wrong with you? Don't scare Yu'er."

Shangguan Tuo didn't move, just like a stone statue, which was fixed here thousands of years ago, lifeless.

"Brother, don't be like this. I was wrong. I shouldn't have provoked Sun Liuliu into our house. It's all my fault. Hit me. As long as you're happy, you can hit me whatever you want."

(End of this chapter)

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