Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1184 Who can blame this matter?

Chapter 1184 Who can blame this matter?

Chapter 1199

Shangguan Yu'er panicked, she grabbed her elder brother's hand, and greeted herself vigorously.

Being shaken by her, Shangguan Nuo finally moved his eyes, he raised his eyes to look at Shangguan Yuer, the girl in front of him was teary-eyed.

He withdrew his hand and smiled wryly: "How can I blame you for this matter, I can only blame myself for being so ridiculous that I mistakenly recognized Sun Liuliu as her."

"Yu'er, if you were her, would you still want a man like me?"

Shangguan Yu'er was a little dazed, not knowing how to answer the elder brother's words.

Big brother is good at everything, but he is too casual about men and women, too freewheeling, as long as he likes a girl, he will not care about so many morals and etiquette, and he can do whatever he wants. When he got married, the girls in the courtyard were jealous all day long for him, and it was precisely because he was used to such things casually that Sun Liuliu had the opportunity to take advantage of it.

If he could be more rigorous and not sleep with a woman so casually, even if Sun Liuliu slept in his bed in the dark, so what?
Who can blame this matter?

It seems like all three of them are wrong.

"Yu'er, why don't you talk? Even you don't think big brother deserves to like her, do you?"

Shangguan Yu'er hurriedly waved her hand: "No, no, no, why would I think this way, big brother, don't be sad, maybe you are not suitable, you are not suitable for each other, this is not a question of whether you are worthy or not."

Shangguan Nuo lowered his head and inserted his hands into his messy hair, "I still remember the look in her eyes when she saw the maid sitting in my arms that day. She hated me at that time. After seeing that scene, now that I think about it, it's not that the fate was unfair, it's that I was too indiscreet and I can't blame anyone."

Shangguan Yu'er couldn't believe her ears, was this something that her extremely proud elder brother would say?

"Brother, is she that good? So good that you don't even want your self-esteem for her sake?" She really didn't understand what kind of girl it was that made her elder brother look like he is now.

In front of Shangguan Nuo's eyes, there appeared that clean and bright face, those breathtakingly beautiful eyes, as clear as if there was no trace of impurities, she was such a pure person, with joy and anger on her face, but He won't appear superficial, and the free and easy way of talking and laughing deeply attracted his attention. The moment she called him Brother Shangguan with her clear and sweet voice, he knew that he would never forget her again.

Shangguan Yu'er said, "Daddy said that she left the capital, otherwise, I would definitely meet this legendary princess of Changle. How wonderful is it that my elder brother is so out of his mind."

Seeing that Shangguan Nuo still refused to speak, she sighed and said, "Brother, what are you going to do about this?"

Shangguan Nuo was puzzled: "What's the matter?"

"Sun Liuliu, do you think she is a little maid in your yard? She is also a daughter of the Marquis Mansion, and now that something like this happened in our mansion, we must give her an explanation, otherwise, Pingde Marquis Mansion How can you let it go?"

Shangguan Nuo frowned: "So what if they don't take it easy?"

Shangguan Yu'er hurriedly said: "With their power, they really can't do anything, but this matter can't be settled by the power of the family. The good-looking girl of Huang Hua has become like this now. If our Xian Guanghou's mansion ignores it, why not?" Being poked in the back by the people of the world?"

(End of this chapter)

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