Chapter 1188 I'm Your Wife

Chapter 1203

Shangguan Nuobi Peak didn't stop, and said in a deep voice, "Go out."

Naturally, she is not so obedient, and now she is the concubine of Xian Guanghou, not the former Sun Liuliu.

Feeling that the person who came in hadn't moved, he finally stopped the paintbrush in his hand, raised his eyebrows, and saw Sun Liuliu in a new dress in the station room, his beautiful eyes were full of autumn water, not to mention very cute.

Unfortunately, he didn't have the heart to love her.

"What are you here for?"

Sun Liuliu took the handkerchief and wiped the corners of her eyes: "My lord, Liuliu waited for you all night last night, why didn't you come?"

Shangguan Nuo sneered: "Why didn't you come? Are you really ignorant or fake?"

Sun Liuliu shook her head: "Liuliu didn't know what she did wrong, if Liuliu did something wrong, please tell me clearly, Liuliu will definitely change it."

Perhaps there are many men in this world who like a woman like Sun Liuliu, and he, Shangguan Nuo, once liked such a woman, she is soft and lovable.

But he is no longer Shangguan Nuo when he first learned about human affairs. He has seen a lot of women like Sun Liuliu, and knows that her tears and their tenderness are all illusions.

It is a sharp weapon they use to win love and sympathy.

"Sun Liuliu, how did you get into my bed? Others don't know, but you and I know it well. Why do you have to pretend to be an idiot in front of me? Now you are doing what you want, and you have taken the position of concubine in this world. What are you doing?"

Sun Liuliu's tears streamed down, she took two steps forward, choked with sobs and said, "My lord, Liuliu is not what you imagined, that night, really, really was just an accident, and I, I didn't want to either."

Shangguan Nuo didn't bother to talk to her: "You go, I don't want to see you."

Sun Liuliu shook her head: "I won't leave. You are my husband and I am your wife. Wherever you are, I will be there. I will never leave."

Husband?wife?Really ridiculous title.

Shangguan Nuo shook his head: "I will not admit to this marriage, the one who worships you is not me."

Sun Liuliu didn't expect him to be so heartless, and he was flustered: "My lord, no matter who I worshiped with me yesterday, I will marry you after all. Everyone in the world knows that I, Sun Liuliu, are your Shangguan Nuo's wife."

Everyone in the world knows?Shangguan Nuo muttered to himself.

Sun Liuliu bit her lips, clenched her hands into fists, and said impulsively: "Yes, everyone in the world knows, including Princess Changle, and she will know that I, Sun Liuliu, married you and became your wife. There is no possibility between you and her."

He pulled his chest tightly, feeling pain like a needle prick, and immediately retorted angrily: "No, you shut up, you are the one to talk about the matter between me and her? What are you?"

Sun Liuliu sneered: "What am I? I am impartial. It happens to be your wife who is married by three matchmakers, six hires, and eight sedan chairs. I will sit comfortably in the seat of Shizifei."

Shangguan Nuo was furious, he grabbed the brush-washing jar on the side and threw it out. The jar happened to hit Sun Liuliu's feet, and the full jar of sewage splashed her embroidered shoes, and the cold water soaked into the uppers, making them a little wet. Feet, cold, also cold.

She took a few steps back, clutching her thumping chest, her face was pale, she never expected that Shangguan Nuo, who had a gentle face, would go berserk and be so frightening.

"Get out, don't let me see you again." The fierce look in Jun's eyes made Sun Liuliu's heart palpitate. She wanted to leave, but her legs couldn't move an inch as if they were filled with lead. After leaving, the relationship between her and Shangguan Nuo became more and more difficult to repair.

(End of this chapter)

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