Chapter 1189 Dangerous
Chapter 1204

She took a deep breath, rushed to Shangguan Nuo, and put her arms around his arms tightly: "My lord, don't go past me, we are married, I am your wife, in the years to come, no matter how many years No matter how long, it will be me, and only me, who will be by your side."

Shangguan Nuo waved her big hand and knocked her to the ground: "This is the most disgusting thing I've ever heard. Who do you think you are? You deserve it?"

He really didn't want to take another look at this woman, he shook his sleeves and strode away, and said to the servants outside: "Throw her out, don't let her in again."

Shangguan Nuo quickly disappeared, and the servants outside were also very embarrassed. After all, they were the concubine, and they could not say anything harsh, so they could only persuade them with good words: "Concubine Shizi, you might as well go back first, and wait for the concubine to calm down." , will naturally go back to the mansion."

In her life, Sun Liuliu has never been so humbled or humiliated like today. First, she was treated coldly and ridiculed by her mother-in-law, and then she was treated like this by her husband. She not only felt humiliated, but also very angry. One day, she will find her dignity back.

The maid helped her up, she pushed the maid beside her away, straightened her back, walked out of the study step by step, with her head slightly raised, as proud as when she came here.


Jincheng - Wu Mansion.

"My lord, your injury is healed. Seeing you lying down all these days makes me feel tired."

Wu Xing gritted his teeth, his heart was full of resentment towards Rong Yutang, he had been lying on the bed for so long and suffered so much pain, it was all because of that little boy surnamed Chu.

His father's previous warning should have been completely submerged in this resentment, and he must avenge this hatred.

At night, a few sneaky black shadows came out of Rongyu Hall. They lit the torches in their hands and threw the raging torches into Rongyu Hall one by one. Thick smoke billowed up, and the flames jumped up little by little, burning more and more intensely.

Xiaobai, who was sleeping in the corner, woke up suddenly, Lan Youyou's eyes were particularly strange in the dark night, it smelled danger, quickly jumped onto Zheng Nianwen's bed, and patted her shoulder with its paws.

Xiaobai's strength was great, as soon as the paw slapped down, he immediately woke up the sleeping Nianwen.

Nianwen rubbed his eyes, then glanced helplessly at Xiaobai: "Are you hungry again? Can we eat tomorrow?"

Xiao Bai opened his mouth and squeaked a few times, the voice was quite urgent.

Nianwen and Xiaobai grew up together. Xiaobai is slow-tempered. He doesn't move when he can, and doesn't open his mouth when he can. It's rare to hear his anxious voice.

The drowsiness dissipated immediately, and she also realized that something was wrong at this time, the room was getting hotter and hotter, and a pungent smell penetrated into her nose.

She quickly got out of bed, rushed to the door and pulled it open, a puff of thick smoke hit her face, choking her tears and snot.

She closed the door again, retreated into the room, brought over the copper basin in the corner, poured all the water in the basin onto the quilt, took Xiaobai into her arms, and rushed out covered in the wet quilt room.

The escalator outside was burned beyond recognition. She took off the quilt on her body and threw it on the escalator. She flew down the escalator stepping on the quilt and landed firmly in the hall. She did not rush out, but went first and then Church.

At this time, the guys in the back hall were sleeping soundly, so they didn't know that the danger was approaching.

(End of this chapter)

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