Chapter 1191 Responsibilities
Chapter 1206

Wan Kun also glanced at his hand, but didn't intend to let go, and said solemnly: "The carriage shakes violently, I'm afraid you may fall."


The originally vain mood gradually became stable and peaceful, as if by his side, no problem was a problem.

Maybe she didn't realize that the relationship between her and him was different from before.

Xiaodou sent people to clean up two rooms, one was next to Wan Kun's room, and the other was arranged in another one-story house for Dong'er.

Wan Kun silently gave Xiaodou a look of approval, and Xiaodou rolled her eyes in her heart, thinking that if I didn't arrange it like this, life would not be easy.

Sitting in the room, reading the text, thinking that from now on, she will live a "cohabitation" life with only one wall away from Wan Kun. She feels a little uncomfortable.

In the evening, Wan Kun knocked on the door of Nianwen's room.

"May I come inside?"

Nian Wen was lying on the bed in a daze, when he heard his voice, he didn't think much, and responded subconsciously: "Come in."

When the door was pushed open, she suddenly realized that she was lying on the bed in only thin pajamas. . .

She hurriedly pulled off the quilt to cover her body, coughed dryly twice and said, "Ahem——can you go out for a while?"

Wan Kun raised his eyebrows: "Why? I've already come in, why do I have to go out?"

Reading Wen's face flushed like fire, with embarrassment on his face: "I, I didn't get dressed properly."

The corners of Wan Kun's lips curled up slightly, and his eyes swept over the small piece of snow-white arm that she put on the thin quilt, and turned around: "I don't want to look at it, you can wear it."

Reading the text hesitated for a while, and finally lifted the quilt and got out of bed, took off the screen and clothes and put them on quickly, "Okay."

She was still wearing men's clothes, with a man's hair in a bun, and her naturally beautiful face was not carved, but it was still beautiful and fascinating.

No wonder, no wonder that Wu Xing, who has a penchant for cutting off his sleeves, would have unreasonable thoughts about her on the street.

He sat down at the table, read the text and said: "I found it."

"What did you find?" She didn't respond for a moment.

He poured a cup of tea and pushed it in front of her: "Who is the real culprit after finding out the truth about the arson?"

Nianwen's complexion changed slightly, he gritted his teeth and said, "Who is it?"

"Wu Xing, that is the idiot that you knocked out two big teeth on the street that day." Wan Kun said lightly.

"It's him?" Nian Wen was a little surprised, her attack that day was considered very light, and she thought it was just a trivial matter, but she didn't expect that guy to take revenge on her in such a vicious way.

Wan Kun nodded: "It's him. I'm also responsible for this matter. I really should be more ruthless so that he can't get out of bed for three years."

"Ah? What do you mean by that?" Nian Wen was confused.

Wan Kun smiled lightly, but his eyes were extremely cold: "He actually flirted with you, and even tried to snatch you back to be a servant. I didn't chop off his hand directly, so I was kind to him."

"So, after he left that day, you went to trouble him again, and he was so angry that he set fire to Rongyu hall?" She stared at Wan Kun with wide eyes.

Wan Kun nodded: "It's understandable, but I didn't expect him to be so courageous that he dared to set fire to Rongyu Hall."

Reading Wen looked at Wan Kun in front of him, and suddenly asked: "How do you know that I was molested by Wu Xing? Did you send someone to follow me?"

Wan Kun shook his head: "No, it's not sending people to follow you, but sending people to protect you."

(End of this chapter)

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