Chapter 1192 Strike the Enemy
Chapter 1207

Reading Wen thought that his life was always in front of his eyes, and felt a little uncomfortable: "Do you think I need it?"

"Don't you need it?"

His reply left her speechless. . .Yeah, doesn't she need it?If she didn't need it, she was still trapped in Qiliang Mountain, and she might have died.

If she doesn't need it, she is now penniless, can't even afford an inn, and is homeless. . .

She actually wanted to ask, is it because he is her uncle that he helps her protect her like this?

Is it just because he is her uncle?
She didn't ask in the end, she couldn't ask, and she was afraid of hearing the answer she didn't want to hear.

"Wu Xing dares to burn Rongyu Hall, I will not make it easy for him." She looked away and quickly changed the subject.

Wan Kun said lightly: "You don't need to worry about this matter, I will let their Wu family have nowhere to stay in Jincheng."

"Oh? What are you going to do?" She looked curious.

Wan Kun said: "The Wu family is a big family in Jincheng, relying on the relationship with Wu Shilang in the capital, they have flourished in Jincheng, but in the final analysis, they are also merchants, even if they become imperial merchants now, they are still merchants. "

"Our Wanwutang is also a businessman, and we also deal with the imperial palace. We are also an imperial merchant, and an imperial merchant with a larger share than their Wu family. It is easy for me to punish him."

He has not only learned medicine and martial arts over the years, he has learned business from his father, and learned how to strengthen himself and fight the enemy at the same time.

Three days later, the Wu Mansion.

"Master, our five shops in the south of the city are all closed and owe a lot of debts. Now we have to lose money or use the shops to pay off the debts. There is no other way."

At this time, another steward came in a hurry: "My lord, something happened in the village in the north of the city. The government has sent someone there. I heard that someone went to the government to report on us."

Master Wu was so angry that he asked angrily, "What are you reporting on us? What have we done to be reported?"

The steward murmured: "Yes, it's the young master. He previously raised several young men in the village. A few months ago, one of the young men fell ill and died. At that time, the family of the young man also came to make a fuss, but what happened later? The young master settled it, who would have thought that it would turn out to make trouble now."

When Master Wu heard this, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He held his painful chest and said, "You son of a bitch, you son of a bitch, you don't do your job all day long, so you know you're going to cause trouble for me."

At this time, another steward rushed in with a panicked expression.

"What's the matter with you?" Master Wu's heart sank slightly. The steward in front of him was Steward Li from the cloth workshop. The delivery time is not too far away, so no accident can happen at this juncture.

The steward said: "Master, it's not good, the big thing is not good."

"If you have something to say, don't be so surprised and deceitful."

The steward swallowed, and shouted: "The silks and satins that were already dyed, for some reason, suddenly changed color this morning, and some of them have been torn by people, and they simply can't meet the requirements of the palace."

Master Wu was in a hurry: "Why did it suddenly change color? Could it be that your dyes haven't been adjusted properly?"

The manager hurriedly waved his hands: "No, no, it's definitely not the problem of the dye, but someone spilled something on our cloth, which caused the dyed sample to lose some of its color."

Master Wu said angrily: "Now that you know the reason, let's solve this matter first, otherwise—"

(End of this chapter)

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