Chapter 1193 Destroyed Once

Chapter 1208

The steward was startled, and raised his eyes to see the expression on the master's face.

Master Wu's face was dark, and he said in a deep voice: "This is the cloth for the emperor's offering. It is the cloth for cutting autumn clothes for the ladies in the palace. You can't delay even a day. If the delivery is delayed, next year's list of imperial merchants will not be delayed." In the process, our Wu family will be lost, and you can decide for yourself what the consequences will be."

The manager kept saying yes, and retreated with trembling legs. He had followed the master for more than ten years, and he had never seen a master like this, with a sinister and frightening expression.

After dismissing the stewards, the person he sent to investigate the cause finally came back.

He hurriedly got up and faced the man: "How is it? Have you found out? Who is secretly killing us Wu?"

The man hurriedly said: "Master, the subordinates did not find out the direct person, but the people behind the scenes seem to be related to Wan Wutang. Could this be done by Wan Wutang?"

Master Wu was stunned: "Wan Wu Tang? How could it be them? Although our Wu family and Wan Wu Tang are both imperial merchants, their supply volume is more than ten times that of our Wu family. Our Wu family is in Wan Wu Tang. In the eyes, it doesn't even count as a fart, why do they bother to deal with us?"

The man raised his eyes to look at Master Wu, hesitated to speak several times, his face full of confusion.

"Speak if you have something to say, talk if you have fart, what are you talking about like this?" Master Wu said angrily.

Then the man said: "Master, do you know about the burning of Rongyu Hall?"

Master Wu was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head casually: "I don't know, it's so good, how could Rongyu Hall be burned down?"

The man said again: "I don't know how the Rongyu Hall caught fire, but I heard that it was not an accident, but someone deliberately set the fire on purpose, and the government is already arresting the arsonist."

Master Wu frowned, didn't think too deeply, but subconsciously said: "What does this have to do with our Wu family?"

The man said: "I heard that Dr. Chu of Rongyu Hall lived in Wanwu Hall after Rongyu Hall was burned down. After that, our Wu family's business began to have problems."

No matter how stupid Master Wu is, he can still understand the meaning of his words, not to mention, he has never been a stupid person.

"What do you mean, the fire in Rongyu Hall may have been caused by our Wu family?" If it was really done by the Wu family, then it must have something to do with his ineffective son.

The man nodded: "It is very possible. I heard that the eldest son and Doctor Chu had some bad festivals a while ago. Do you think it is the eldest son who asked someone to set fire to get revenge on Doctor Chu, and that's why the incident became a mess?" big."

Mr. Wu was trembling with anger. His whole life's painstaking efforts and his whole life's business were about to be destroyed. The instigator of this incident was actually his son. Could it be that their Wu family was going to be destroyed like this? In the hands of something useless?
"I know, you step back first." He gritted his teeth and held back his breath, trying to maintain a calm face. It was not until the man walked away that he lost his temper and smashed the whole set of milk porcelain in the room to pieces.

The servants outside rushed over when they heard the commotion, and heard Master Wu asking angrily, "Where is Eldest Young Master now?"

A young man said: "Go back to the master, the eldest son is resting in his yard."

Rest?He has lost his arms and legs for so long, hasn't he rested enough?Or have you had enough rest?

He strode out of the hall and quickly walked towards the courtyard where Wu Xing lived, with a menacing look and a stern look on his eyebrows.

(End of this chapter)

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