Chapter 1194
Chapter 1209

The servants who were chatting in the yard saw the master suddenly coming, and all of them panicked.

"Is the young master here?" He asked the servant who came up to meet him.

"Yes, the young master is here, but now—" The two looked embarrassed.

"Where?" He wasn't interested in knowing what the brute was doing right now, convenient or inconvenient.

The servant pointed to a room not far away, then lowered his head and dared not speak.

Master Wu walked towards the house, but before he got close to the house, he heard heavy gasps and moans of pain from inside.

Mr. Wu was very angry. He hid in his room instead of doing business in such a sunny day. . . "Bastard, get out of here."

On weekdays, he might have just sighed, turned around and left, but today, he couldn't bear it anymore.

The lewd voice inside stopped immediately, followed by Wu Xing's voice: "Father, I'm busy right now, so I'll talk about it later if I have anything to do."

Master Wu was so angry that he almost vomited blood, he rushed forward, kicked the door open, and saw his son Shang naked on the bed, and the one in his arms was a handsome young man.

He was trembling with anger: "What a sin, what a sin, what did I do in my previous life to give birth to a son like you." He slapped himself with a 'slap'.

Wu Xing had never seen such an old man before, and he panicked, he hurriedly pushed the boy in his arms away, and told him to get dressed and leave.

The young man seemed to be incapable of knowing, he put on his clothes very quickly, and soon disappeared without a trace. Wu Xing also casually put on some clothes and got out of bed, and walked up to his father: "Father, what happened?"

Master Wu glared at him angrily: "What happened? You still have the face to ask, I ask you, Rongyu Hall was burned, does this have anything to do with you?"

Wu Xing was taken aback: "Father, how do you know this?"

Master Wu felt cold in his heart. There was still a little bit of luck in the past, but now there is no luck. He just feels that the Wu family is about to end.

"Father, what's the matter with you? What happened?" Seeing his father's appearance, he panicked.

Master Wu said angrily: "What's the matter with me? Our Wu family's businesses in Jincheng and even in Kyoto have suffered setbacks one after another in the past few days. One store after another closed down, and the imperial goods that were about to be delivered could not be delivered. Our Wu family is about to come to an end, but you, what do you know? You only know how to mess around, eat, drink, whore and gamble, and family affairs, have you managed or learned? Once the Wu family falls, it depends on how you live. "

Wu Xingmeng: "Father, please tease me, our Wu family is in good shape, how could we say we're going to collapse?"

Master Wu snorted coldly: "Fall as soon as you say it? It's all thanks to you. If you didn't offend Rong Yutang again and again, would our Wu family fall?"

Wu Xing's face turned pale immediately: "Father, what do you mean, everything that our Wu family is suffering now is caused by Rong Yutang behind the scenes?"

Master Wu glanced at his son, "I warned you a long time ago not to fight against the people in Rongyu Hall, otherwise you will not be able to bear the consequences. Have you listened? Have you taken it to heart?"

Wu Xing remained silent, but gritted his teeth tightly, hating Rong Yutang in his heart, "Why did he treat us like this? How could he have such a big influence? He's just a little doctor."

Master Wu really wanted to beat him to death: "Little doctor? I told you, even if he is a little doctor, he still came from the Prince's Mansion in Kyoto."

(End of this chapter)

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