Chapter 1196

Chapter 1211

Liu Haidao: "Jin Ba has not only monopolized the pharmaceutical market in Jincheng, but now he has extended his hand to restaurants, cloth houses, money houses, and even gambling houses, especially gambling houses, with a total of twelve in Jincheng. Every family is making a lot of money every day, and the fortune is double."

"Now only Jin Ba can save your Wu family. You just need to give him some benefits, let him taste some sweetness, and he will naturally help you out of trouble."

Wu Xing hurriedly asked: "But Jin Ba lives in seclusion and never stays in one place. Where should I go to find him?"

Liu Hai lowered his voice and said, "Jin Baye will start a game at Quanshengzhuang today. If you want to see him, go to Quanshengzhuang and hang out with him for a few games to get his attention. Afraid of not succeeding?"

Wu Xing used to go to Quanshengzhuang often, and knew that Jinba was the owner of Quanshengzhuang, but he had never seen Jinba in Quanshengzhuang. He didn't expect him to go to Quanshengzhuang to start the game, which was new.

"How? To go or not to go?" Liu Hai asked.

Wu Xing frowned, and touched his body: "I'm in a hurry to go out today, I only brought 100 taels of silver notes, I'm afraid it's not enough, why don't I go back and get it, and discuss it with my father."

Liu Hai grabbed him and said, "Brother, who do you think Baye Jin is? Will he wait for you at Quanshengzhuang? I heard that he only starts one game of gambling and leaves when he's done. Do you want to see him again?" , I'm afraid there is no chance."

Liu Hai took out two banknotes from his arms while talking: "I have 2000 taels of banknotes here, you can use them first, and return them to me when the Wu family is out of trouble."

Wu Xing never thought that Liu Hai, who had no close friends before, would actually help him in this way when he was in trouble. As far as he knew, Liu Hai's family was not too rich, and 2000 taels was not a small sum. He just gave it to him, and he was flattered by this kind of generosity.

"Brother Liu, thank you!" He cupped his hands towards Liu Hai, stuffed Yin into his arms, and strode away.

Liu Hai stood still until Wu Xing's figure disappeared, and finally a cruel smile appeared on his gentle face.

Quan Sheng Zhuang

Wu Xing was fond of gambling. As soon as he entered Quanshengzhuang, his hands immediately started to itch. Before Jin Baye came, he went to bet two hands first, and he won two hands in a row. His luck was so good that he exploded, so he bet more and more Ruthless, he made a lot of money before, but he was not satisfied, and after betting heavily again and again, he finally lost everything.

At this time, someone was talking, saying that Baye Jin would come soon, and then he remembered the purpose of coming to Quansheng Village today, but he was already penniless, so what to do.

So his eyes fell on those big men sitting in the corner chatting and eating melon seeds. They are all thugs of this Quanshengzhuang, and at the same time they also take into account the identity of the money owner, but the interest is very high. , Tomorrow I will pay back 1000 taels, and the day after tomorrow it will be 500 taels. The interest rate will suck all the blood of people.

He used to have a lot of money, he had never borrowed money, and he had never been chased by anyone. The feeling was unimaginable, so he didn't feel anything terrible. He just wanted to solve the siege of Wu's family first, and then everything would be easy to talk about.

So Wu Xing first borrowed 2000 taels from the money owner. As a result, his hands were itchy again, and he bet two and lost.

The money owner came to his side: "Do you still want to borrow?"

He gritted his teeth: "borrow."

This time he borrowed 5000 taels. He wanted to keep the money tight and wait until Mr. Jin came, but he waited until no one came, and his hands were itchy again. . .

(End of this chapter)

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