Chapter 1197

Chapter 1212

Repeatedly, he borrowed money from the money owner again and again, and lost everything again and again. His eyes became red, and he had long forgotten the existence of Jin Ba in his heart. He only wanted to get his capital back, but in the end he lost more and more In the end, even he himself couldn't remember how many times he had borrowed money and how many debts he owed.

"Can you still borrow it?" The ghostly voice suddenly came to his ears, he wanted to say borrowed it, but suddenly realized that it was already dark outside, and the purpose of his coming to Quansheng Village today was to see Ba ​​Ye Jin , but he didn't see it.

He turned around and grabbed the money owner and asked, "Didn't you say that Baye Jin will come to start the game today?"

Qian Zhu nodded: "I've already been here, didn't you bet in his hand earlier?"

What?The person had already been here, and he also placed a bet on Jin Ba's hands, but he was so red-eyed that he didn't care about anything, and he completely forgot the business. . .

The money owner smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Mr. Wu, when will you pay back the money you borrowed from Quanshengzhuang?"

Wu Xing was taken aback, and his hands hidden in his sleeves trembled slightly: "One, how much did you borrow in total?"

The money owner handed a stack of IOUs to him, and said with a smile, "No more, no less, exactly 60 taels."

Wu Xing's legs went limp, and he almost collapsed, 60 taels, not to mention that the current Wu family, even the former Wu family, couldn't come up with so much money all at once.

Seeing his appearance, Master Qian immediately turned cold, and hummed, "What? Want to renege on your debt?"

Wu Xing hurriedly waved his hand: "No, no, no, how could I want to renege on my debts, absolutely not, but the 60 taels is not a small amount, I have to go back and raise money. "

Qian Zhu said: "It's okay to raise money, but I'll put my ugly words in front of me. I'll give you three days. If you don't make it within three days, you'll be charged 2 taels of interest for every day you're late."

Wu Xing was so angry that his heart ached, but he didn't dare to say a word of nonsense, he could only keep nodding and bowing, getting away first and then talking.

It was late at night when he returned to Wu's house, and he didn't dare to disturb anyone. He went back to his courtyard and worried all night, and went to the accountant at dawn. . .

Three days passed in the blink of an eye. He hid at home for three whole days without going out. It was a little lucky in his heart. When he borrowed money that day, he didn't tell them where he lived, hoping that they would not find Wu's house.

On the early morning of the fourth day, there was a knock on the door of Wu's house. Outside the door were seven or eight menacing men, cursing and asking Wu Xing to come out to meet them.

The servants of the Wu family couldn't stop them at all, so they broke into the mansion, shouting Wu Xing's name everywhere, and broke into the courtyard where Master Wu and his concubine lived.

Master Wu came out of the house when he heard the movement, and saw seven or eight big strangers standing in the yard shouting his son Wu Xing's name.

Master Wu was very angry: "You, who are you? This is a private house, and it is illegal to break into a private house."

The leading man sneered and said, "If it's illegal to break into a private house, isn't it illegal to borrow money?"

Master Wu asked angrily: "Who borrowed your money? I don't know you at all."

The big man said: "You didn't borrow it, but your son did."

"Who are you guys? Stop talking nonsense here."

The big man took out a stack of IOUs from his arms, each of which had Wu Xing's handprint on it, clearly written in black and white.

Master Wu looked at the numbers on these IOUs and was so dizzy with anger that he couldn't say a word.

(End of this chapter)

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