Chapter 1198 Complete decline

Chapter 1213

He turned his head and said to the servants in the courtyard: "Quickly, go and ask the young master to come over."

The servant left in a hurry, and came back quickly: "Master, my son, he, my son, he ran away."

The big man snorted coldly: "Run away? When the money from Quanshengzhuang came from a strong wind? Run away after borrowing it?"

He turned to look at Master Wu, and said, "Master Wu, I didn't mean to embarrass you on purpose. Our Quansheng Village is also in business, and you are also a businessman. You should know the consequences of not repaying the borrowed money."

Master Wu was dumbfounded. If it was tens of thousands of taels, he could think of a way to pay it back, but it was a full 60 taels. Where could he find so much money to make up for the hole?

Seeing that Master Wu remained silent, the big man said: "Since Master Wu is not willing to pay back the money for my son, then we have to follow the rules of the world."

Master Wu was stunned: "Jiang, the rules of the rivers and lakes? What rules of the rivers and lakes?"

The big man sneered: "It's only natural to pay back the debt, but if you don't pay, you will pay with your life. This is the rule of the world."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sound behind him, everyone turned their heads, and saw a richly dressed woman sitting on the ground, looking at them with a pale face.

"Master Wu, take your leave." The big man left with his subordinates after speaking.

Mrs. Wu quickly got up, rushed to her husband, and grabbed his arm: "Master, Xing'er is your son, you can't ignore his life or death."

"Take care? How do you want me to take care of it? He owes Quansheng Zhuang 60 taels, what do you want me to do? Do you have the ability to take out the 60 taels to pay back the money?"

Mrs. Wu was too shocked to speak: "Six, 60 taels? How come? How come there are so many?"

Master Wu snorted coldly: "Why? You ask me? You should ask your good son to see what you have taught him over the years. There is nothing wrong with etiquette, justice, integrity and shame, and eating, drinking, whoring and gambling are the same. You are used to everything He pampered him, now it’s all right, this hole, it’s up to you how to fill it.”

Mrs. Wu cried out of breath, as if her son was dead.

At this time, another servant rushed to report: "Master, madam, someone from the yamen has arrived."

Master Wu frowned: "Why is there someone from the yamen again? What kind of trouble did this naughty son cause outside?"

The housekeeper looked worried: "Could it be the murder case reported by Zhuangzi last time?"

As soon as Mrs. Wu heard the words of the murder case, she immediately sat on the ground paralyzed in fright, unable to say a word.

The yamen quickly found Mr. Wu, took out the arrest warrant, and wanted to arrest Wu Xing and bring him to justice. When they learned that Wu Xing had left the Wu family and was missing, they immediately sent people to search the entire Wu family. Immediately, notices were posted on the streets and alleys, offering rewards for Wu Xing's capture.

The Wu family in Jincheng has completely declined so far.

Wan Wu Tang

"Doctor Chu, my elder ordered the younger one to invite Dr. Chu to visit the mansion." Yacha said respectfully.

Nian Wen put the elixir that had just been refined one by one into a porcelain bottle, raised his eyebrows and glanced at the servant, and said softly, "Oh? What did your lord say?"

The Yacha hurriedly said: "My young master is seriously ill. I have invited many doctors in the city to see him, but to no avail. Instead, his condition has become more and more serious. My adults have said that Dr. Chu has superb medical skills, and he will definitely be able to cure him. I am sick, so I ordered the younger one to come and invite me, and I also ask Dr. Chu not to refuse."

She put the bottle stopper in her hand into the mouth of the bottle, and said with a smile: "Since I am a doctor, it is my duty to treat illnesses and save lives, so why would I refuse? It's your adults who are worrying too much."

(End of this chapter)

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