Chapter 1199 Gu Insect
Chapter 1214

She handed the porcelain bottle to Dong'er beside her, "Dong'er, take the medicine box and tell Xiaodou again, lest the uncle can't find me when he comes back."

Dong'er responded and left, and when she came back, she was carrying a medicine box in her hand.

She has always liked to be alone, and she least likes to bring someone by her side, but these days she is living in Wanwutang, and she has been brainwashed by Wan Kun all day long, and all kinds of warnings, so that no matter where she goes in the future, she must bring someone with her. At least bring Xiaobai by your side.

Xiaobai didn't know where to go these few days, so she had to take Dong'er with her so that no one would keep talking about it.

The magistrate's yamen is not far from Wanwutang, two streets away, and the carriage will arrive in a moment at a fast speed.

The front office is the place where the case is handled and the court is opened, and the back office is where Mr. Yin's family lives.

In fact, they can buy another house to live in. After all, there are still many servants living in the government office, which will be somewhat inconvenient, but Mr. Yin has never intended to move out of the government office. It's the same everywhere, there's no difference, at least it's more convenient to live in a government office.

The Yacha led her and Dong hurried to the small courtyard where the young master lived. The small courtyard was really small. There were some flowers and plants in the courtyard, and after a few servants stood there, they felt that it was already full.

The Yacha quickly walked to the door of a room, knocked on the door, and said loudly: "My lord, madam, Dr. Chu is here."

"Come in!" Yin Yixuan's dull voice sounded in the room, and the Yacha quickly pushed the door open, inviting the two of them into the room.

As soon as the door was opened, when reading the text, I heard the sobbing of a woman, and then I saw a richly dressed woman sitting on the edge of the bed, wiping her tears with a handkerchief.

She stepped in and saluted Yin Yixuan: "My lord!"

Yin Yixuan waved his hand: "You don't need to be too polite, please ask Dr. Chu to take a look at it for you."

Mrs. Yin quickly backed away and stood beside her husband. Although she was crying heartbroken, she couldn't get any comfort from her husband, and she felt even more uncomfortable in her heart.

But I haven't seen him for two months, Yin Shuwei seems to have lost a lot of weight, his complexion is also very bad, his pulse is soft and frivolous, his breath is turbid and his breath is weak.

"How is it?" Mrs. Yin asked impatiently.

She frowned and asked in a low voice, "How long has he been like this?"

Mrs. Yin hurriedly said: "He has been in a coma for two days. He was in good spirits before, but his complexion was very bad, and his body was always weak. Many doctors were called for him, but they couldn't find out the cause."

Read the text: "He is not sick."

Mrs. Yin was taken aback: "It's not a disease? What is that?"

Reading the text without making a sound, he directly lifted the quilt covering Yin Shuwei's body, and tore off his pajamas, revealing his naked upper body.

Nian Wen pointed to Yin Shuwei's lower abdomen and said, "Look, what is he here?"

Husband and wife rushed forward to check, and there was a big bump on the lower abdomen, which was supposed to be smooth and clean, which was very abrupt.

Nianwen touched the big bag with his fingers, the big bag that was originally still suddenly moved a few inches, and Mrs. Yin and Yin Yixuan were stunned.

"This, what is this?" Yin Yixuan asked in surprise.

Read the text and said: "This is a Gu worm, he was put under a Gu worm, and this worm feeds on his blood, no wonder he fell into a coma, the blood on his body is about to be sucked dry by this worm. "

Mrs. Yin was so frightened that she trembled all over: "This, how could this happen? Where did this thing come from, and who is going to kill him?"

Yin Yixuan was relatively calm, but after listening to the words of the text, his face turned pale immediately: "Is there a way to cure it?"

(End of this chapter)

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