Chapter 1200 Crazy move

Chapter 1215

Read the text and nodded: "Getting rid of Gu is not a one-time thing. It has existed in Mr. Yin's body for an unknown period of time. It has grown to its current size relying on his blood essence. It is not so easy to get rid of it. Only The plan for now is to give him the medicine to nourish essence and generate blood immediately, to save his life first, and then study the method of removing Gu."

Yin Yixuan hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, everything is up to you."

Nianwen quickly prescribed the medicine, and ordered the servants of the mansion to fetch the medicine, and bought the alchemy furnace. She wanted to make alchemy in the Yin mansion.

With Yin Shuwei's current physique, the effect of ordinary soup and medicine is very slow, he can't wait, so he can only use pure pills instead.

"Bring the needle." She quickly sat back by the bed, her eyes fixed on the bulge.

Dong'er spread the needle bag beside the bed for her convenience.

She applied the needles very quickly, and the silver needles of different lengths pierced Yin Shuwei's chest and abdomen.

Looking at the concentrated and earnest reading in front of him, Yin Yixuan seemed to see the Qi Rongyue back then. When he first saw her, she treated Zhongwen's wounds like this. The mother and daughter are really similar, with focused expressions, even Even the stitching method is very similar.

After the needle was withdrawn, Mrs. Yin quickly asked, "How is it?"

Immediately after reading the text, the sadness between the brows dissipated, and he said with a light smile: "Madam, don't worry, I just gave him the needle to open the veins and stimulate him to regenerate his own blood. Although the method is stupid, it is still useful. This Gu worm lives in the human body. , the purpose is to suck blood, as long as there is still blood in his body, it will not make crazy moves."

Yin Yixuan hurriedly asked: "What crazy move?"

Nian Wen pointed to the bulge, "The Gu worm is alive, but its existence is maintained by the human body's essence and blood. Once there is no blood in Mr. Yin's body for it to suck, it will break out from Mr. Yin's body. He wants to get out of his body, but he can't find the right way, so he will start to wreak havoc, leaving Mr. Yin's body in dilapidated condition until it finds a way out."

Mrs. Yin was terrified when she heard this, her legs were weak, she simply knelt in front of Nianwen: "Doctor Chu, please, please save my family Shuwei, he is a good boy, he has never done anything evil. He can't just die like this, he can't!"

Nian Wen hurriedly helped her up, "Ma'am, don't do this. Even if you don't ask me, I will do my best. This is our duty as doctors. You must not do this."

She helped Mrs. Yin sit down at the table beside her, then turned to Yin Yixuan and said, "Master Yin, I need to stay here to practice alchemy, and to observe Mr. Yin's condition at any time. It's up to you to do it."

Yin Yixuan hurriedly asked: "Gu raiser? That is, the person who put Gu in Shuwei's body?"

Read the text and shook his head: "No, that's not what I mean, I mean, find people who know how to raise Gu, and they will know how to drive away Gu insects without harming the human body. Although I have heard some things about Gu insects , but not proficient, human life is at stake, it is better to find someone who understands and is more proficient in this way, so that the confidence will be greater."

Yin Yixuan was a little anxious: "I've never heard of this kind of thing, how can I find it?" He is also flustered now, with no clue in his mind.

Reading the text thought of Wan Kun. In her eyes, Wan Kun was almost omnipotent, even though he was two years younger than her.

"Master Yin, why don't you go to Wanwutang and ask Mr. Wan for help, maybe he will have a solution."

(End of this chapter)

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