Chapter 1211 Sharing a quilt

Chapter 1227

The old man said he went upstairs to get the quilt, but it took him a while before he went downstairs, which made people suspect that he went upstairs for more than just getting the quilt.

It's just that this kind of doubt can't be said now, they can only pretend to be unreal.

After the old man went downstairs, he glanced at the teacups on the table inadvertently, and saw that there were only half a bowl of tea left in the four teacups, or they were already empty, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He put the two quilts on the only space in the living room where he could sleep, and said to the four of them, "You came here suddenly today, and there is no food in the space. I'm really sorry. I'm afraid I won't be able to entertain you for dinner."

They just wanted what they wanted, and read the text with a smile: "Senior, you are welcome, we ate dry food before going up the mountain, and we are not hungry now, and it will be the same when we go to the city to eat after going down the mountain tomorrow."

The old man looked at the sky outside and said: "In that case, you can rest, I will pack up and go to Beijing with you tomorrow."

After the old man finished speaking, he walked towards a room on the side of the hall. He quickly opened the door, and his figure quickly flashed in. Although they stared at the room intently, they saw nothing.

Wan Kun glanced at the two quilts on the ground, and said, "Put down Su Hancao and rest for a while, you are both men, so you two share a quilt, is that okay?"

The two followers nodded immediately: "No problem."

Knowing their interests, the two took a quilt and found an open space in the hall to lie down. They didn't speak any more, as if they had completely disappeared.

Wan Kun took the reading and sat down, and said in a low voice: "The old man agreed to go to Beijing with us so readily, I think there must be some fraud in it, if my guess is right, he will attack us as soon as we fall asleep, As for how to use it, it is still unknown.”

Read the text and said: "I have observed him, he has a steady foot, and his walking steps are very light. He should have been practiced, but his kung fu is not very good. I think the Gu technique is his most powerful weapon. He just poured it on us. There must have been a Gu, when he came down from upstairs, the first thing he saw was our tea bowl, seeing that it was empty, his eyes could not contain the joy."

"So if he wants to deal with us, he only needs to use Gu techniques."

Wan Kun nodded appreciatively at her, but he didn't expect this girl to be very observant, beyond his expectation, her thoughts coincided with his.

"I've read in the book that after the Gu insect enters the body, the Gu person needs external power to control the Gu person, and the most effective and direct way of this external force is sound."

He glanced at the closed bamboo door, and his voice became lower and lower: "We will pretend to be asleep for a while, but we must not really fall asleep. If he really wants to deal with us, he will suddenly use a special weapon in the middle of the night." The voice is tempting us, and at that time, if we pretend to be very painful, he will naturally show his original shape, and we will take the opportunity to trap him, find out Lord Yin's whereabouts and situation, and then take him down in one fell swoop."

After the two discussed it, Wan Kun quietly relayed the plan to the two attendants, then returned to Nianwen's side, took the quilt and spread it on the floor.

"Go to sleep!" He got into the quilt first. Fortunately, the ground was made of wood. Although it was a bit cold, it was not cold, and the temperature was barely acceptable.

Nian Wen blushed and shook her head: "Forget it, I won't sleep, you go to sleep." Sleeping in the same bed with him, this and this. . .After all, she and him are different men and women.

(End of this chapter)

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