Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1212 Why do you want to harm us?

Chapter 1212 Why do you want to harm us?

Chapter 1228

Wan Kun didn't talk nonsense, sat up directly, lifted the other corner of the quilt, pulled her into the quilt, put his arm under her neck, and clasped her shoulder with his palm, making her escape impossible .

"Hey, what are you doing? You haven't let go yet." The little heart in her chest was beating non-stop, her face was so red that it was almost bleeding, and she could only use a tone of indignation to cover up her panic and anger at this time. shy.

Wan Kun said hoarsely: "Don't talk, you will make people doubt your identity. Remember, you are a man in everyone's eyes."

In everyone's eyes, I'm just a man, so in your eyes, I'm just a man too?Because I'm a man in your eyes, that's why you're doing these intimate things to me?

For some reason, she felt a little lost in her heart, it was an inexplicable emotion.

She no longer struggled or spoke, and when the soybean oil lamp in the hall was about to burn out, a soft sound of piccolo came from the room on the side of the hall.

Wan Kun immediately opened his eyes, and he stretched out his hand to push Nianwen beside him, signaling her to be vigilant.

Nian Wen was drowsy at first, but when he pushed her, she woke up immediately. The sound of the piccolo was very abrupt in this silent night, which made all the pores of her body tense up.

Wan Kun next to him moved his body and let out a dull hum, which seemed to be in pain, but also seemed to be just a snoring.

The old man was testing them, and he also made an ambiguous sound to test the old man, if the old man was really controlling the Gu insects, he wouldn't end it with just one or two blows.

Sure enough, after hearing Wan Kun's movement, the piccolo's sound became louder and louder, one after another.

As a result, Wan Kun's reaction became more and more intense, and Nian Wen and the two followers also began to 'react' in the same way as Wan Kun.

Wan Kun sat up suddenly, and shouted to Nianwen next to him, "What's wrong with you? Are you not feeling well?"

Read the text and replied: "Yeah, I don't know why, I suddenly feel very uncomfortable, like something is running around in my body, it feels terrible."

The two attendants at the other end echoed again and again: "Yes, yes, I am also like this, I don't know how to do it."

At this moment, the door of the room opened suddenly, and the old man came out slowly, holding a piccolo in his hand, the hole of the flute was just next to his mouth, and the melodious sound of the flute came from the piccolo.

The sound of the flute is melodious, but it is also something that can kill people.

Wan Kun pointed to the old man and said, "It's you? What did you do to us?" While making a painful expression, he tried hard to accuse the old man.

The old man finally stopped eating the flute, and stared at them coldly: "Sensible, hand over all the money on your body, otherwise, I can make you suffer ten times more."

Wan Kun asked angrily: "Why did you do this? We have no grievances or enmities, why do you want to kill us?"

The old man snorted, "It's true that there is no grudge or enmity, but it was brought to your door by you yourself, so you can't blame others."

Nian Wen pointed to the old man and said: "We sincerely come here to ask you for help, it's fine if you don't agree, why do you want to harm us?"

Seeing that she seemed to have good strength, the old man raised his flute and played a few more sips. Seeing their pain, he stopped in satisfaction and sneered, "You rich people, who would really respect our Gu breeders? ? Now that you need us, come and beg us humbly. If you don’t need us one day, you will turn your face faster than a book.”

(End of this chapter)

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