Chapter 1213
Chapter 1229

Nian Wen said angrily: "Is this why you harmed us? Don't you think this is too ridiculous?"

The old man shrugged: "I don't think it's ridiculous, not at all, to tell you the truth, you are not the first to be in this situation, you can only be blamed for being rich, and what I hate the most is rich people like you." people."

Wan Kun said: "One of my uncles also came here to seek medical treatment, but he hasn't returned for a long time. We always thought that he found the wrong way and didn't find this place. From this point of view, we were wrong."

The old man looked surprised: "Is your uncle named Yin?"

Wan Kun nodded: "That's right, the surname is Yin. Tell me, did you kill him?"

The old man couldn't help laughing: "It turns out that there is such a coincidence that you are with that dog official surnamed Yin. You really have not been wronged in vain."

"Have you really met my uncle?" Nian Wen pretended to be surprised, and asked angrily with his eyes wide open.

The old man snorted, and said coldly: "It's not just that I've seen him, he's still here with me now, he can't live, he can't die, such an official, if he didn't peel his skin or stretch his tendons, it would be regarded as a kindness to him." Great kindness."

Nian Wen said angrily: "You are simply too vicious, you are barking like a dog official, do you know where he is an official? What unreasonable things have you done?"

The old man looked indifferent: "As long as they are officials, they are all dog officials, and there is no good person. Do I need to ask so much?"

Wan Kun said, "What have you done to my uncle?"

The old man suddenly smiled, with a cruel expression on his face: "You will soon know that they are upstairs, and I can take you to see him right now."

After saying that, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Wan Kun's wrist, pulled him up from the ground, and walked upstairs.

Wan Kun did not resist, and even pretended to be powerless to resist, while the other hand had secretly pinched several gold needles.

When the old man dragged Wan Kun upstairs, the reading also started, she signaled to the two attendants, ordering them to stay downstairs, if the old man escaped, they would stop him.

She quietly followed upstairs, and as soon as she opened the door, she saw the old man half lying on the ground with a startled expression.

Wan Kun looked back at Nian Wen and said, "Master Yin is not dead yet."

The old man suddenly realized at this time, he glared at Wan Kun and read the text and said: "You guys haven't been poisoned at all?"

Nianwen shrugged: "Of course, why would we drink your tea casually?"

The old man wanted to get up, but half of his body was completely unconscious, and he couldn't do what he wanted at all.

"You, what did you do to me?" The old man thought of some people in the village who were half-paralyzed due to some diseases, just like him now, which was terrible.

Wan Kun said: "I didn't do anything, I just used my own way and returned it to my own body. You poisoned us, and we poisoned you. It's fair, isn't it?"

At this time, the old man felt that more than half of his body lost consciousness, and he even felt that thousands of insects and ants were gnawing on the other half of his body. The discomfort could not be described in words.

"Please, let me go, as long as you let me go, I promise to listen to you in everything."

Wan Kun shook his head: "I can't believe your guarantee, why is Mr. Yin unconscious?"

The old man kept calculating in his heart, thinking of many possibilities, including, exchanging the dog official's life for his own.

He said: "Give me the antidote first, otherwise, don't expect me to cure him."

(End of this chapter)

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