Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1214 Turns out to be a ruthless horn

Chapter 1214 Turns out to be a ruthless horn
Chapter 1230

Read the text and said: "People like him are not trustworthy at all. Why don't you just kill him with a knife. There are too many people raising Gu in this village. Just find one, and maybe others can solve this problem." Gu poison."

When the old man heard this, he broke out in a cold sweat, she was really mistaken, the Gu he put on that dog official was a very common Gu, as long as he was a serious Gu breeder, he would know how to get rid of this Gu.

The old man hastily said: "Don't, don't, this is a Gu raised by myself, even if others know what it is, I have to come to exorcise it myself."

Nianwen pulled out the dagger, the light on the second floor was very dark, the faint moonlight reflected the dazzling light on the dagger, making the dagger sharper and colder.

There is no one in this world who is not afraid of death, but some people will appear more calm when facing the inevitable death, and use calm face to cover up the fear in their hearts.

But some people, in the face of such a sudden death, they are not psychologically prepared, they will panic, they will be afraid, and they will do everything possible to avoid death.

"What I said is true. If I die, no one in this world can exorcise them, and they will surely die."

Nian Wen glanced at the four people lying on the floor, their faces could not be seen clearly in the dim light, only from the outlines could it be seen that Master Yin had lost a lot of weight.

"Tell me first, what kind of Gu did you instill in them, what are the symptoms, and what are the consequences."

Wan Kun then said, "You'd better think it through before you speak. If you make a false statement, I'll let you go to see the King of Hades immediately."

The old man completely felt the evil spirit coming from Wan Kun's body, the killing intent so strong that even his gaze was like a knife.

He shivered for a while, not daring to hide anything: "The hit, the hit is the blood-devouring Gu. Once this kind of Gu enters the human body, if it is not stimulated, it will survive with a small amount of blood essence. It is a burden to people, but once it is activated, it will suck people's blood like crazy until the blood is eaten up by Gu insects."

The old man's words reminded Nianwen and Wan Kun of Yin Shuwei who was far away in Jincheng. Isn't his symptom just like this?

Nian Wen glanced at Yin Yixuan lying on the ground again, and asked the old man, "Did you know Master Yin before?"

The old man avoided it for a moment, "No, I don't know."

"Really? If you dare to tell lies, let me know. I will make you suffer ten times more than now, and let you truly experience what it means not to survive and not to die." Reading the dagger in his hand between his fingers.

The old man's body trembled again, why didn't he realize earlier that these two yellow-haired boys turned out to be ruthless.

He closed his eyes and said: "Yes, I knew this dog official before, so this time his appearance, I think it is the old man who opened his eyes and gave me a chance to avenge my blood."

Nian Wen frowned, she really couldn't understand how a gentleman like Yin Yixuan would have anything to do with such a sinister and cunning old man in front of her.

Wan Kun said in a deep voice, "Go ahead."

The old man's frightened face turned angry when he remembered the past: "16 years ago, my fiancée committed suicide by jumping into the river because of him. My son has an official position, but I am just a poor boy, I can't even get close to him."

(End of this chapter)

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