Chapter 1215 Revenge
Chapter 1231

"Later, I couldn't stay in Pengcheng any longer, so I came here with an old friend to learn the art of raising Gu. I tried my best to raise Gu. Look at me now, not even forty years old, and that old man What's the difference? What am I doing this for? Just to get revenge on him one day. "

The old man became more and more excited, as if he forgot to be afraid at this time.

Read the text and said: "So, you secretly put a Gu on Mr. Yin, right?"

The old man's eyes flickered slightly, but he lowered his eyes and said nothing.

Wan Kun asked angrily, "I'm asking you something, tell me quickly."

The old man nodded: "That's right, I planted the Gu in his son. Back then, when I had a little success in learning how to raise Gu, I went to Pengcheng and learned that he not only married a wife, but also gave birth to a son. Thinking of me The dead fiancée couldn't get angry, so she sneaked into the Yin mansion and put the Gu worm into the diet of the young master of the Yin family, but I didn't activate the Gu worm. As long as the Gu worm doesn't move, it will It will not cause harm to the host."

"You are really vicious. Mr. Yin was just a child back then. You were not capable of dealing with adults, so you used children to vent your anger. You are not only vicious, but also shameless. A person like you deserves to live in this world?" knife, with a fierce look in his eyes.

The old man hurriedly said: "Don't, don't, don't be impulsive, I promise you, as long as you are willing to let me go, I will not only expel them, but also go to Jincheng with you to exorcise Mr. Yin."

Lianwen hated him to the extreme, and refused to believe anything he said, but she did not refuse on the spot. She stood up and whispered a few times in Wan Kun's ear. Seeing Wan Kun nodded, she Only then turned around and went downstairs.

After Nianwen left, Wan Kun went to Mr. Yin and the others to check their physical conditions. Sure enough, the condition of Mr. Yin and his two followers was almost exactly the same as that of Yin Shuwei.

And the situation is even more serious, it has reached the point of depletion of essence and blood, if there is no further rescue, I am afraid that my life will die.

What to do with this, when they came, they didn't bring the elixir for nourishing blood and nourishing essence, and if they were temporarily refined, they didn't have any medicinal materials right now.

He took out the needle bag, first knocked the old man unconscious, and then focused on giving the three people acupuncture, but this acupuncture can't achieve the best effect of blood and essence, and it still needs the assistance of elixir.

When they came back from reading the text, they brought a man with them, who was the young man who had led the way for them earlier.

The young man was terrified when he saw the village head passed out on the ground, and on the other side, the three people who were led by him to find the village head a few days ago turned out to be in such a state.

These people don't look like ordinary people, the village chief is trying to kill him.

Read the text and said: "Can you drive away this kind of Gu?"

The young man nodded: "Yes, this kind of Gu is not a special Gu insect, but a very common blood-devouring Gu. Those who raise Gu can drive it away."

The young man glanced at the village chief again, with doubts on his face: "It's just the village chief, he is very prestigious here, I'm afraid he will retaliate against me in the future."

Read the text with a sneer: "Revenge? Do you think he will have a chance to retaliate against us? He was killed like this, but Mr. Yin, the magistrate of Xinyang, dared to poison even the imperial court officials. Do you think he may continue to stay in the here?"

After hearing this, the young man's tense face finally relaxed, and a smile appeared on his face, "Okay, then I don't have any worries anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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