Chapter 1218

Chapter 1234

"What are you doing?" Lianwen was not used to being pulled by him like this, so he withdrew his hand vigorously.

Yin Shuwei thought of the feeling of holding his hand just now, it seemed to be slenderer than the average man's wrist, even softer, it was really strange, didn't he learn martial arts, how could the flesh on his arm be soft?Not a woman.

Read the text and asked: "Why did you drag me out? Don't you need to see a doctor for Mr. Yin?"

Only then did Yin Shuwei come back to his senses, and said with a dry smile, "It's up to you, but you have to wait for a while, just wait a little longer."

Read the text puzzled: "Why do you have to wait a while? Is there any inconvenience for Mr. Yin now?"

Yin Shuwei didn't intend to say more at first, but since he asked, he simply said: "To be honest, the relationship between my father and mother has been very cold for more than ten years. Ever since I was born, my father has never stepped into the house." Passing through mother's yard, he won't even say a word to mother, let alone ask him to feed her medicine obediently."

Nian Wen raised his eyebrows: "So, Mrs. Yin is feeding Lord Yin medicine now?"

Yin Shuwei nodded, with embarrassment on his face: "Maybe this kind of thing is very common in your family, but it is extremely rare for my mother. I hope she can spend more time with her father without being disturbed." .”

Read the text and nodded, expressing understanding: "I really didn't expect Master Yin to be so indifferent. In my opinion, he is quite kind, but why is he so indifferent to your mother? There must be some secret in it." .”

Yin Shuwei looked at the reading text in front of him with complicated eyes. It seemed that he really didn't know anything. The reason why his father was so cold was actually because of his mother, because his father never forgot his fiancée. Unable to accept mother and him.

But how would he say these words.

When I read the text, I saw his eyes flicker, exactly the same as when he suddenly appeared in Rongyu Hall that morning.

"Is there anything you want to say to me?" she asked.

Yin Shuwei smiled wryly: "No, nothing." It's not anyone's fault, so what can he say?
The two sat down in the pavilion, and because they were bored, they asked the servants to bring a chessboard to play against each other.

There is an old folk saying that if you want to know a person and his character and temperament, you can know everything about him by playing a game of chess with him.

As the saying goes, chess is like life, and chess is like a person.

Both of them are very smart, and they both have very powerful teachers to teach them chess skills. When playing chess, it is naturally wanton and enjoyable.

For Yin Shuwei, this is the first time he has met an opponent among his peers, and the opponent is not only a high-level chess player, but also a very good chess player. Every step is safe and there are occasional dangerous moves. Every move will not be limited to one way. , It seems to be very difficult to defeat him.

As far as Yu Nianwen is concerned, Yin Shuwei's way of playing chess is different from Wan Kun's and Zhou Jiao's. Wan Kun's mind is very good, she has never won at all, and he can change his response to chess with her constantly changing strategies A move always makes her lose a move.

But Zhou Jiao is more aggressive, he is eager to win the victory, eager to show his superb chess skills, so the result of aggressiveness is always lost, he doesn't know how to adapt.

Although Yin Shuwei in front of her didn't have Wan Kun's dominance on the chessboard, she walked steadily every step of the way, without rushing or slowing down. Although he won reluctantly in the end, it was enough to impress her.

(End of this chapter)

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