Chapter 1219
Chapter 1235

"Acceptance!" Yin Shuwei got up and bowed his hands to the reading text in front of him. He was quite excited, even more excited than when he won the first place in the local examination.

Is this the legendary feeling of excitement when meeting a bosom friend?
Nian Wen also got up, bowed back to him, and said with a smile: "Brother Yin played a good game of chess, I admire you."

After a few words of politeness, the two of them saw that the time was about the same, and then they went to the room together.

When the door was pushed open, Mrs. Yin was sitting by the bed and was wiping Mr. Yin's hands. Mr. Yin was resting with his eyes closed, and he didn't know if he had fallen asleep.

"Mother, Dr. Chu is here." Yin Shuwei stepped forward quickly, took a look at his father's face, he was much better than when he first saw him yesterday, and felt a little relieved.

Mrs. Yin took two steps back, while Nian Wen sat in her seat, and took a pulse first. Seeing Mr. Yin opened his eyes, he asked a few words, and then nodded: "It's okay to recover, but I want to recover As before, it will take a period of careful recuperation, and I will observe for a few more days, as long as the blood energy is stably revived, it will be fine."

Mrs. Yin was overjoyed when she heard the words, and hurriedly read the text to thank you: "Thank you, Doctor Chu, if it weren't for you and Mr. Wan, the consequences would be unimaginable." In fact, it is not unimaginable, either her son is hopeless, or Both her son and her husband were hopeless, but Dr. Chu in front of him saved their entire Yin family.

Read the text and waved his hands: "There is no need to thank me, I should do it. The purpose of my medical study is to cure diseases and save people, and I should do everything."

Yin Yixuan looked at Nianwen in front of him, he had a face that was [-]% similar to her mother's, but his personality was completely different. Nianwen seemed to love to laugh more, and his personality was clearer, while Rongyue, although she often laughed, she always laughed. She was so indifferent and alienated, especially towards him, she never had a good face, but such a woman grabbed his heart fiercely, he wanted to forget, but he couldn't.

He looked at the text, as if through her face, he saw the girl who cared about him all his life.

"You and your mother are very similar, but very different." He said this suddenly, and the three people present were all taken aback.

Especially read the text: "Are you familiar with my mother?"

Yin Yixuan smiled wryly, and waved his hands: "It's all in the past, don't mention it, I'm tired, you all go out."

It was like this again, raising her appetite and hoisting it high, but no one fed her. . .

If he was not a patient, she really wanted to drag him off the bed and ask him what happened.

After leaving the room, Mrs. Yin asked her to have lunch. Seeing that it was getting late and she happened to be hungry, she readily agreed. After living in Yin's residence for a few days, she was familiar with it, so there was no need to be too restrained. with.

Today, Mrs. Yin is in a very good mood. She cooks a few side dishes by herself, which are delicious. Since she left Kyoto, she has never eaten such delicious food. During the dinner, she kept giving Mrs. Yin a thumbs up: "Madam The cooking skills are really good, two points better than my mother."

Mrs. Yin's eyes were full of surprise: "Your mother also cooks herself?"

Read the text and nodded: "Yes, she can cook a table of delicious food when she is happy. She is very good at cooking."

Mrs. Yin did not expect that the dignified princess protecting the country would wash her hands and make soup at home.

Nian Wen smiled and said: "Perhaps in the eyes of others, this is an abnormal thing, but in our family, this is a very normal thing. My mother often said that no matter how good the cook is, it can't match her heart. The meals made by the family are delicious."

"Mrs. Yin, I tasted the taste of home in your food. Mr. Yin will definitely know your intentions."

(End of this chapter)

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