Chapter 1220 His uncle
Chapter 1236

Mrs. Yin was very moved. Even though she was as close as a son, she had never told her that this child's thoughts were extremely delicate.

A mother who can teach such a child must be a remarkable person.

Yin Shuwei was in a particularly good mood, especially seeing Chu Wen eating beside him with a satisfied face, it was a joy from the bottom of his heart.

"If you like it, you can come here often in the future, and we can kill a few more rounds."

Read the text and nodded, and responded readily: "It's a good feeling. Although the food in our Rongyu Hall is good, but now I live in Wanwutang, and the cooks there don't know what's going on. The cooking is either less oil or less salt. I lost weight from what I ate."

Yin Shuwei smiled and said: "If you don't like living in Wanwutang, you can also come to live in the government office. There is still a vacant room in my courtyard. You can live with me and go back after Rongyutang is rebuilt."

Nian Wen hurriedly shook his head: "That's not okay, if that kid Wan Kun knew that I wouldn't live with him, he would come to live with you, and he would tear me apart."

Yin Shuwei frowned, puzzled and said: "Why? Isn't this your freedom? Why should he control you?"

Nianwen shrugged: "Who made him my little uncle, I will not accept it."

Yin Shuwei thought of the young man who often followed Chu Wen. Although he looked old-fashioned and very capable, his appearance was obviously one or two years younger than Chu Wen. How could he be his uncle.

Nian Wen smiled and said: "Fortunately, I can stay here for a few more days, and I will have a good time in these few days."

With his smile, it seemed that the sunlight outside the window was even more dazzling. Yin Shuwei's originally steady heartbeat suddenly missed a beat, as if something hit his heart hard.

Nianwen looked sideways at him, then touched his face: "Is there something on my face?"

Yin Shuwei quickly shook his head: "No, no."

"What are you doing without you staring at me?"

He laughed dryly twice: "I thought you were going to make a long speech. I was waiting for you to say it, but you didn't say it."

He was fooled by this joke, and neither Chu Wen nor his mother seemed to care. He breathed a sigh of relief, and never dared to stare at Chu Wen again, but his eyes would always fall on him involuntarily. . .

After lunch, Nian Wen went to see Mr. Yin again, and saw that he was sleeping soundly, so she didn't disturb him. She was exhausted physically and mentally after working for a few days, so she bid farewell to Yin Shuwei, and went back to her guest room to rest.

Unexpectedly, not long after she left, Wan Kun came to the mansion, saw Yin Shuwei standing in a daze in the garden, Wan Kun greeted from a distance: "Mr. Yin is in a good mood."

Seeing that it was him, Yin Shu frowned involuntarily. Thinking of Chu Wen's words, he felt uncomfortable.

"Master Wan, isn't Wanwutang busy now?" He asked with a faint smile.

Wan Kun waved his hand: "It's all arranged, where is Dr. Chu?" He asked directly.

Yin Shuwei said: "Doctor Chu is resting in the guest room."

Wan Kun nodded, and was about to go directly to the guest room, when he was stopped by Yin Shuwei just as he took a step: "Young Master Wan, please stay."

Wan Kun looked back at him and raised his eyebrows: "Master Yin?"

Yin Shuwei nodded: "I have something to discuss with Mr. Wan."

"Master Yin, please tell me!" He nodded politely.

Yin Shuwei said: "Dr. Chu mentioned at lunch today that the taste of the chef in Wanwutang is not suitable for him, and he prefers the dishes cooked by my mother. I hope to stay here for a while until Rongyutang is rebuilt."

(End of this chapter)

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