Chapter 1221 Mr. Wan is better

Chapter 1237

Wan Kunjun narrowed his eyes slightly, and the originally soft eyes became sharp: "Did she say that?"

Yin Shuwei nodded: "He said it. It's just that he couldn't make a decision because of your master's affection. I thought he was in a difficult situation, so I opened the mouth for him."

Wan Kun suppressed the anger in his heart, glanced coldly at Yin Shuwei's overly beautiful face, and said in a low voice: "This is between me and him, you are a little rash to say this, this matter You don't need to worry about it."

Seeing that he was about to leave, Yin Shuwei hurriedly stopped in front of him, "Mr. Wan, I know you are Dr. Chu's uncle, but you can't rely on this relationship to control Dr. Chu everywhere. He is no younger than you." , and it’s not a reckless temper, so you don’t need to hold him back.”

Wan Kun snorted coldly: "Whether you need me to detain her is a matter between me and her, you are not qualified to intervene, please leave." He shook his sleeves and left, his heart was burning with anger, this girl is getting fatter , unexpectedly after such a short time, he planned to abandon camp and change camp.

When I found the door of the guest room, there were two girls outside chatting and laughing non-stop.

"This Doctor Chu looks really handsome. I never thought that there would be more handsome men than our young master in this world."

"I think that Mr. Wan is better, with a heroic appearance and an extraordinary bearing."

"You, just accept that heart, that Mr. Wan is the young owner of Wanwutang, do you know Wanwutang? It is an industry throughout the dynasty, and Wanwutang is still doing business with the emperor. It is also second to none among the merchants, with a family like that, you are not qualified even if you are a housekeeper."

The girl was very unconvinced when she heard this, and hummed: "I am not qualified, and you are not bad either. Mr. Chu is from the capital, so his family background must be extraordinary. Look at him these days, has he ever looked at you?"

The girl thought about it, but she really didn't, she didn't say a word to them, she didn't even look at them. . .

Wan Kun frowned and glanced at them, and said in a deep voice, "You all step back, I have something to talk to Mr. Chu."

The two maids didn't expect Mr. Wan to come, so they fled in shock and shame.

Seeing that everyone was gone, Wan Kun pushed the door open and locked the door with his backhand, lest some irrelevant people come to join in the fun.

Hearing the noise, Nian Wen lying on the bed turned over, tried to open his eyes and looked at the person entering the room, saw that it was him, closed them again, muttered a few words and passed away.

The corner of Wan Kun's mouth twitched, still knowing who came in after a glance, brat, are you so relieved that a man casually enters her room?

He walked quickly to the edge of the bed and sat down, intending to pull her up and ask if what Yin Shuwei said just now was true, and if she said it herself.

But seeing her sleeping so soundly, with obvious tiredness between her brows and eyes, she felt unbearable, forget it, let's talk about it when she wakes up.

He himself has not had a good rest for several days, seeing her sleeping face and looking at this comfortable bed, he also felt a little tired, so he simply pushed her into the bed, and lay down with his clothes on, pulling off the thin quilt superior.

Hearing the even breathing of the people around him, his mood became better, and he turned her body around again, let her wrists be around his chest, let her head rest on his shoulder, and was afraid As soon as she turned away from his side, she simply grabbed her hand tightly, preventing her from opening it.

(End of this chapter)

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