Chapter 1226 The princess is gone

Chapter 1242

Only then did Nianwen come back to her senses, she took the veil and wiped her face, the coolness invaded her brain, and cleared away the thick chaos, she suddenly woke up, thinking of her reaction just now, she was so ashamed that she felt ashamed when he When kissing her, shouldn't she slap him across the face and call him a hooligan?
When he said that he would wait for her to marry him, shouldn't she look at him coldly with contempt, and then sternly refuse?
But she did nothing. . .

"Princess, what's the matter with you? What happened?" Dong'er looked at her princess curiously. Her princess has always been a person whose face never changes when Mount Tai collapses.

Nianwen opened his mouth, but couldn't speak, he waved his hand and said, "It's nothing, you go out first, I want to be alone."

Dong'er carried the basin out of the room, met Wan Kun outside, and blessed her body: "Young Master Wan."

Wan Kun nodded and asked in a low voice, "How is the Princess?"

Dong'er said: "The princess is a little weird, anyway, it's not the same as usual."

Wan Kun chuckled: "Well, I see, you can go down."

Seeing Mr. Wan's smiling face, Dong'er was so startled that he almost threw the copper basin in his hand, how could Mr. Wan laugh?Still smiling so happy and so pretty?
Wan Kun turned around and went back to his room, blocking Dong'er's curious eyes.

What happened to these two people?One seems to have lost its soul, and the other seems to have more souls. . .

In the evening, Dong'er went into the room and asked the princess to go to the dining room for dinner, but found that the princess had disappeared, the door of the wardrobe was also open, the only few sets of clothes in the cabinet were gone, and a piece of clothing fell on the ground. Belt, obviously flustered when holding things.

The mahogany makeup box on the dressing table was also open, and inside it were some scattered silver and a few bank notes given by Mr. Wan, all of which were gone. . .

If it weren't for Wanwutang, thieves would never be able to get in, and she would definitely think it was a thief.

Dong'er turned around and rushed out of the room, ran downstairs, and said to Wan Kun who had already sat down at the dining table: "Mr. Wan, my princess is missing."

Wan Kun's complexion changed slightly, he quickly got up and followed Dong'er upstairs, walked around the room and came to the half-open window.

Outside this window is the backyard behind Wanwu, she can easily jump from the window into the courtyard, climb over the courtyard wall, and finally leave quietly.

He frowned, his face was not very good-looking, and he said to Xiaodou who was following behind him without turning his head: "Send someone to each inn to look for it immediately."

Peace Inn
Lianwen ate the food that Xiaoer just brought on the table, feeling bored, he always had a good appetite, but today he has no appetite at all.

Yes, she escaped, without even telling Dong'er, she escaped in a hurry.

She was in a mess, not knowing how to face Wan Kun, nor how to face herself.

Because she found that deep down in her heart, she didn't resist Wan Kun at all, and she didn't know how to face herself like this.

Wan Kun is her little uncle. Even though he is two years younger than her, his seniority is there and cannot be ignored.

To a certain extent, Wan Kun was grown up by her. She is only 13 years old this year. I feel very ashamed and don't know how to face him.

So she escaped, although it could not solve any problems, at least it could temporarily avoid some embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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