Chapter 1227 Two Conditions
Chapter 1243

However, before the meal was finished, there was a knock on the door.

She felt nervous for a while. She had experienced Wan Kun's skills, especially the ability to find people. If she made up her mind to find her, it would be useless for her to hide anywhere: "Who?"

"I'm Xiaoer, and I'll bring you hot water."

It was indeed Xiao Er's voice. While she was relieved, she was also slightly disappointed. It seemed that she was thinking too much, and Wan Kun might not find her.

She got up to open the door, Xiao Er was standing outside the door with a bucket of hot water, she moved aside.

But who knows, when Xiao Er came in, Wan Kun followed her in. Without even looking at her, she went straight to the table where the food was placed and sat down, with a sullen face and did not speak.

She laughed twice, "You, why are you here?"

He raised his eyebrows to look at her, his eyes were quite unkind: "Why am I here?"

Xiao Er put the hot water in the bathroom, quickly backed out, walked out of the room as if nothing had happened, and closed the door, as if he didn't see anyone else in the room at all.

Reading the text was a little annoyed, and said angrily: "I don't want to live in Wanwutang, I just like it here."

He looked at her face for a while, then suddenly said: "Okay, then I will live here with you."

Nian Wen hurriedly said: "I'm not a child, I don't need you to accompany me, you should go back."

"Go back? You are my fiancee, how can I let my fiancee live in the hotel alone? It's absolutely impossible."

Nianwen blushed and said anxiously: "Don't talk nonsense, when did I become your fiancee?"

"Just when you pulled him to the bed, what? You won't have amnesia, right? It's only been a while, and you forgot?" He raised his brows with a playful look.

She snorted and turned up the volume: "I said it was something I did unconsciously after I fell asleep. That doesn't mean anything. Besides, you haven't lost anything, so why hold on to it?"

"Nothing to lose?" He sneered: "Isn't my innocence innocent? I was hugged, hugged and kissed by you, and even put a quilt on the same bed. Isn't this something that only husband and wife can do? ? You actually said that I have nothing to lose?"

She was in a hurry to read, "I, I didn't, I really didn't—" She didn't know how to explain, how could she be so stupid today with her usual sharp tongue, completely at a disadvantage.

Wan Kun said: "There is no need to say anything else, I will give you two choices, either go back with me now, or I will live here with you."

Live here together?Her eyes subconsciously glanced at the only bed in the room. If he also lived here, wouldn't he have to sleep in the same bed again?

"It's okay to go back. You have to promise me two things. If you don't promise, I won't go back."

Wan Kun shrugged, "Tell me."

Lianwen took a deep breath, and brought out the words he had thought up before: "First, you must promise me that you will forget everything that happened today, and forget what you said before."

Wan Kun raised his eyebrows and remained silent.

She went on to say: "Secondly, when I lived in Wanwutang, you couldn't come into my room at any time like before, let alone when I was asleep, and you couldn't force me to do anything I didn't want to do. If you agree to these two conditions, I will go back with you."

She looked at Wan Kun proudly, thinking that you want me to go back, hmph, if you want me to go back, you have to agree to these two conditions, otherwise——

The smile that had just appeared on her face froze immediately - without saying a word, Wan Kun got up, took off his coat, and strode towards the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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