Chapter 1228 A Promise

Chapter 1244

"What are you doing?" She rushed forward and stopped him.

Wan Kun said: "I can't agree to your conditions, so I plan to live here with you, eat and drink for you, until the Rongyu Hall is built, but I don't know if you have enough money to survive. Until the day Rongyu Hall is built."

It means that he will not give her any more money to spend, and she will have to pay for all expenses in the future. . .

The most important thing is that he will stay in this room and share the not too big bed in front of him with her.

No no no, she couldn't imagine that picture.

"You are amazing, I admit defeat." She walked to the closet aside with her mouth flattened, took out the package that hadn't been opened in time, and muttered in a low voice: "One day, I will hide in a place where you will be forever." I can't find my place either."

Wan Kun said coolly: "I don't think there is such a place in this world. I said that you should be responsible to me. You can't let it go. You can't escape." .

Nian Wen followed behind him, stuck her tongue out at him and made faces, scolding him a thousand times in her heart, and when he turned around, she pretended she hadn't done anything, with an innocent face.

He smiled secretly, this girl, like when she was a child, likes to make faces behind his back.

The two went downstairs to check out, and the shopkeeper was very happy. The young man lived in for only two hours. After paying the money for three days, he was leaving now, and he didn't have to pay back the money. He earned three days' rent for nothing. , not happy.

She is like a child who willfully ran away from home, hiding in a corner, waiting to be found by her parents and brought back. . .

On the way back to Wanwutang, Wan Kun asked her: "Do you still remember the bet before going to Luoxia Mountain?"

She thought for a while, then nodded: "Remember, why?"

"At Luoxia Mountain, we all put in equal efforts to rescue Mr. Yin, so it's a draw."

She nodded again: "Well, a draw, what?"

"We had an agreement that no matter who wins, they will get a promise. Now that it's a tie, everyone will get a promise."

She was a little confused, and then she realized: "No, since it's a tie, then no one should owe anyone. Why do I owe you another promise?"

Wan Kun shrugged: "You didn't say it was a draw before, but it's too late now. Remember, you owe me a promise."

She dissatisfied: "Why do I have to listen to you in everything? Why can't I make the decision? Don't forget, I am two years older than you."

Wan Kun looked sideways, "So what? Don't forget, although you and I have a marriage contract right now, I'm still your uncle."

She was angry, and every time there was a dispute, he used his status as uncle to suppress her, but she had nothing to refute.

"Okay, I owe you a promise, and you also owe me a promise. No matter what you ask me to do, I will use my right to bounce back." Hmph, let's see who is better.

He chuckled, stretched out his hand and pinched her nose, doting on her eyes: "Then we'll wait and see."

Under the moonlight, he smiled brightly, and the temperature from his fingertips was introduced from the tip of his nose, and the heat continued to intensify, burning her skin, scalding extremely hot.

She looked away, "You can laugh, and you thought you couldn't laugh naturally."

Wan Kun laughed again: "No one is born unable to laugh, of course I can, whenever I want to laugh, especially—"

She asked, "Especially what?"

(End of this chapter)

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